현대 한국어의 파생어 형성의 특성 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

There are various patterns of word formation, but for me, as a foreigner, Korean derivatives; especially Sino-Korean suffixes from Sino-Korean roots, are very interesting. Furthermore, the influx of Western words widely used by teenaers is causing a t...

There are various patterns of word formation, but for me, as a foreigner, Korean derivatives; especially Sino-Korean suffixes from Sino-Korean roots, are very interesting. Furthermore, the influx of Western words widely used by teenaers is causing a truly difference in word formation. The latter have become the 'new words' in the Korean Language.
Many new words are not only combined with Sino-Korean, but also with Original Korean and loanwords from other languages. We can say that various special characters are composed of the semantical side and morphological side of Sino-Korean. From word formation viewpoint, we cannot say that the dynamic side which is pssessed by Sino-Korean is most interesting.
While we are discussing the lexical system of Korean Language, we discover another special quality. It is the influx of Western language. Suddenly, the new languages relating with Occidental civilization, freely used with Korean in daily language, are very brilliant. Surely, foreign languages with English as the central figure appropiately transform and hold the list of Korean lexicon by taking part in word formation.
This thesis is divided into three main sections. They are as following. First, because of the existence of Sino-Korean roost, compared with Original Korean, the productivity in affixation is considerably excellent. Several hundred suffixes exist in Korean Language. Among them, suffixes from Sino-Korean roots can more easily produce new words than Original Koreang. Suffixion from Sino-Korean causes the category changes, also there are the fewer and more flexibility in the meaning of Sino-Korean and its suffixes in the new(derivative)word formation.
1) The few flexibility in the meaning of Sino-Korean and its suffixes
2) The more flexibility in the meaning of Sino-Korean and its suffixes
Second, in suffixion from Sino-Korean, the derivative is formed by the independent funtion among Sino-Korean suffixes. They also express a third meaning by stress and without phonology changes.
1) Expressing a third meaning by strong sound
2) Expressing a third meaning without the phonology changes
Sino-Korean is getting the particular position in Korean lexical system. Originally, it is loanword, but during incoming and being used in Korean Langusge over long timem its origin Chinese sound is not read but it assimilates with all of Korean phonological system by Korean-sound reading. Moreover, it also combines with Original Korean freely to form new words. Because of the holding of vigorous productivity in Korean Language, it almost does not give the speaker the incoherent feeling about its foreign element.
Third, among the English loanwords, overflowing into Korean, there are the morphemes, whose meanings are used as they are held by the original morphemes, become suffixes and form new words in Korean Language. As the most representative examples in this thesis, '-팅(-ting)', '-넷(-net)' and '-맨(-man)' are the cores whose original words, suffix functions and productivities are conisidered.
After these English sufixes came into Korean Language as the loanwords, they are admitted and naturally can be used as Korean Language. They are good example to show us their trouble and transition.
Although there are countless Sino-Korean and English words coming into Korean Language, Original Korean is still maintaining its antiquity Korean is a language that uses various loanwords and is versatile. Therefore, it is really a remarkable language for me.
Appendix:Original Korean suffixes with their bases and Sino-Korean suffixes with their bases
* A thesis submitted to the committee of Graduate School, Chugnam National University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Korean Language Conferred in August 1999.
