한국어 '가다'와 아제르바이잔어 'getmək'의 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Contrastive Study on ‘kada’ in Korean and ‘getmək’ in Azerbaijan This research deals with the semantic classification determined by representative vocabulary between two languages as a contrastive linguistic study of Korean verb ‘ga...

A Contrastive Study on ‘kada’ in Korean and ‘getmək’ in Azerbaijan This research deals with the semantic classification determined by representative vocabulary between two languages as a contrastive linguistic study of Korean verb ‘gada’ and Azerbaijan verb ‘getmek’. Based on this, the main object is to investigate *syntactic common things and differences between meaning of Korean and Azerbaijan verb ‘gada’. The investigation of common things and differences of ‘gada’ in two languages, *syntactic features by meaning were examined by focusing on standard Korean vocabulary which is Korean representative dictionary and Azerbaijani dictionary. It classified forms of sentences based on the using cases of dictionary and examined semantic qualification of noun taken in each form. And, it examined syntactic * semantic characteristics by sharing sentence forms of thematic roles. As a result, case indication is achieved by postposition in Korean and it is achieved by preposition in Azerbaijani. There are agent role, theme role, source role, goal role, route role, instrument role, location role and direction role in sentence forms of two languages. But, Russian includes a meaning of ‘getmek’ including the meaning of moving by walk, so tool role indicating a measure of behavior related to moving is not used. Meaning is corresponded by focusing on dictionary meaning. As the result, there was a common thing expanded concrete>temporal>abstract meaning and mechanical moving and temporal moving showed correspondence of complete meaning, but other meaning was different. It’s linguistically considerable to analyse formative, syntactic and semantic common things and differences of two languages with different linguistic forms since Korean and Azerbaijan verb, ‘gada’, has highly using frequency and utilization with lots of polysemantic uses and furthermore, it will be useful for Korean studying and Azerbaijan studying and contribute to practical purposes by providing significant data for editing dictionary. Through this study, learner will be aware of more information about the polysemy of ‘gada’ and ‘getmek’ and also will be able to use them correctly. In addition, when studying another, learner not only learns how to use the countries but also how to use those languages. This is the first researching project and it could be considered as a first step on the way of studying the polysemy of words between two languages.
