KOICA 공통 한국어 교육과정의 필요성 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The Korea International Cooperation Agency was established in 1991 by the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as a governmental organization for official development assistance. As part of the grant aid programs, KOICA is conducting WFK...

The Korea International Cooperation Agency was established in 1991 by the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as a governmental organization for official development assistance. As part of the grant aid programs, KOICA is conducting WFK(World Friend’s Korea), an overseas volunteer program. The history of the program dates back to the 1990s when 44 volunteers were dispatched to four developing countries. Since then, 11,212 volunteers have been dispatched to 66 countries, 1520 volunteers currently working in 36 countries. Volunteers, especially those who work in the area of Korean education, have certain qualification. They are offered professional training and field adaptation training for certain period of time in Korea, located to the overseas offices and teach Korean there for two years, and then come back to Korea 2,027 volunteers have been dispatched to 38 countries for Korean education and 244 volunteers are currently performing their missions in 28 countries, which started from 3 volunteers dispatched to Sri Lanka and Thailand in 1991. Despite 25 years of Korean education conducted by KOICA, Koica's Korean education has been conducted without its own common curriculum or courseboook. In this light, this study aims at investigating the characteristics of KOICA's Korean education and the need for KOICA Korean education curriculum by analyzing survey results conducted to Korean education volunteers. Chapter 1 introduces the background, purpose, and the contents and method of the study, and offers the brief explanation of antecedent studies on KOICA Korean education and KOICA overseas volunteers. Chapter 2 examines the current state of Korean education volunteers and the contents of education offered to them. The qualification and conditions to be met in selecting the volunteers are also added. To examine the characteristics of KOICA Korean education, KOICA's Korean education is compared and contrasted with Se-Jong Academy and Gong-Ja Academy, Korean education institutes in Korea. Chapter 3 suggests the need for the development of Korean common education curriculum for KOICA volunteers. To this end, institutes and coursebooks, teaching contents and methods are investigated and analyzed. Plus, some considerations that should be factored in to develop KOICA Korean common curriculum are added.
