중국인 월방언권 학습자를 위한 한국어 받침 발음 교육 연구 : 월방언 운미와 한국어 종성 대조를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this is to emphasize the importance of pronunciation and to find out educational methods to teach Cantonese Chinese learners of Korean proper final consonant pronunciation. The second chapter observes and analyzes Korean and Ch...

The purpose of this is to emphasize the importance of pronunciation and to find out educational methods to teach Cantonese Chinese learners of Korean proper final consonant pronunciation. The second chapter observes and analyzes Korean and Chinese Cantonese dialect’s phonological systems. Korean is an agglutinative language that belongs to the Altaic languages, whereas Chinese is an isolated language belonging to Sino-Tibetan language group. While these two languages belong to different language groups, through comparative analysis not only differences but also similarities can be found. As the most preserved archaic Chinese dialect, Cantonese shows phonetical similarities to Korean final consonant pronunciation. Considering the similarities and differences between the two phonological systems, effective measures can be taken in preventing difficulties in final consonant pronunciation, or also countermeasures to prevent the influence of the mother tongue of the speaker can be taken, by utilizing the results of comparative analysis. Chapter 3 reviews the current final consonant pronunciation in Cantonese speaking learners and based on the results of the comparative analysis and a survey analyzes the errors. These errors are concentrated in the pronunciation of nasal, plosive, fricative, as well as in the absent in Cantonese 'ㄹ' and final double consonants and diphthongs. The fourth chapter embarks on how should we proceed with the Korean proper final consonant pronunciation education for Cantonese speaking learners in order to correct the errors listed above.
