모바일 채널을 이용하는 중국 펀드투자자의 특성과 펀드투자역량 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The research aims at analyzing social demographical and economic features of fund investors with mobile phones in China and features presented in fund transaction process, as well as proposing relevant meanings by speculating power of fund investment ...

The research aims at analyzing social demographical and economic features of fund investors with mobile phones in China and features presented in fund transaction process, as well as proposing relevant meanings by speculating power of fund investment to come up with problems and improvement measures for fund investors with mobile phones. With such a purpose, 300 Chinese people who used mobile phones to do fund investment were regarded as objects and were compared with offline investors. With the objects of300 fund investors, a questionnaire survey was implemented from Feb. 2nd to March 15th, 2016. Based on research results, the following conclusions are drawn as follows: First of all, by making a comparison between fund investors with mobile phones and offline fund investors, most of them are male investors and are younger with higher education background. Investors with high income level have a lower proportion, including real estate with capital, as well as financial assets. Compared with offline investors, investors with mobile phone have lower economic level. It can be judged from such a result that age of fund investors with mobile phones is small. Asset size of savings is lower. Therefore, burdens are relatively small. Some people with small asset size tend to select fund investment with mobile phones. Secondly, fund investors with mobile phone tend to fund product types. Common funds have the biggest proportion. In terms of offline fund investors, the investment proportion of MMF is the biggest. In addition, by making a comparison between fund investors with mobile phones and offline fund investors for common funds, the mixed fund proportion is larger, but stock and bond fund proportions are lower. Thirdly, in terms of the rate of accepting investment consultation, fund investors with mobile phones have higher proportion of accepting investment consultation. Due to mobile phones, investment becomes more convenient. Fourthly, in stage characteristics of fund transaction and based on features of adding funds, articles from fund investors with mobile phones are abundant and redundant, so investors may not read articles of fund investment and investment specification carefully and seriously. As for situations of fund investors with mobile phones, when filling in investment tendency, the rate of inconsistency between something filled by investors and reality is higher than offline fund investors. Based on such a result, fund commodities may cause a loss to investors’capital. It is extremely important to master investors’ psychology correctly. This is also a serious problem. Fifthly, in stage characteristics of fund transaction, for the stage characteristics after transaction, most of fund investors with mobile phone can’t accept ex post management services after investment. However, as for service of notification, most of them have received notification of investment status. In addition, most of fund investors with mobile phones receive business , but they don’t read it after receiving it. Their understanding on business is also lower. Such a result is exactly a problem of fund investors with mobile phone. Sixthly, in power of fund investment for investors with mobile phones, fund investors with mobile phones has higher level by comparing with offline fund investors for fund investment’s continuous tendency, which is the characteristic of fund investment attitude. In terms of fund investment, fund investors with mobile phone think that the most important element relating to funds refers to "give no consideration to "products with long-term investment incomes."As for fund investment, there is higher interest and enjoyment. By contrast, investment confidence of fund investors with mobile phone is lower than offline fund investors. From the perspective of fund investment knowledge, it can be observed from the results of objective and subjective knowledge, as well as fund comprehension that fund investors with mobile phone have a general level. In objective knowledge, fund investors with mobile phone have general knowledge relating to fund investment, which is similar to cost loss. As for fund investment funds, in terms of fund investment for fund investors with mobile phones, difficulties and uneasiness level present the middle position of "not so" and "exactly".
