벵골어 화자의 한국어 단모음 발음에 대한 실험음성학적 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A Experimental Phonetic Study of Korean Monophthongs of Bengali learners This is a experimental phonetic study of Bengali monophthongs and Korean monophthongs of Bengali learners. The phonetic studies on vowel of Bengali have rarely been studied even...

A Experimental Phonetic Study of Korean Monophthongs of Bengali learners This is a experimental phonetic study of Bengali monophthongs and Korean monophthongs of Bengali learners. The phonetic studies on vowel of Bengali have rarely been studied even though there are numerous native speakers of Bengali in the world. The value of this study is that it has found out a phonetic character of Bengali vowel and it has analyzed Korean monophthongs of Bengali learners that had not been conducted before as a study through the phonetic experimentation. Chapter 1 defines background and the purpose of this study and examines advanced researches. In this section, it is summarized previous studies of monophthong briefly and reviewed the studies of Bengali monophthong intensively. It also discusses issues and limits that are found in the previous studies. Chapter 2 researches about theoretical background. The contrastive linguistics that apply when comparing the two languages are organized and theoretical background of experimental phonetics which is the method of experiment of this study is reviewed. In addition, it compares the vowel systems between Korean and Bengali. Both Korean and Bengali have seven monophthongs and the six monophthongs have same IPA. Bengali 7 monophthongs /i e æ ɔ a o u/ and Korean monophthongs/i e a ɔ o u ɨ/ were decided as the subject of experiment through comparing two vowel systems. It predicts the Bengali monophthongs and pronunciation of Korean monophthongs of Bengali speakers. Chapter 3 identifies phonetical characters of Korean and Bengali monophthongs with the experiment. The formant average of Korean 7 monophthongs /i e a ɔ o u ɨ/ is similar to existing vowel chart. The distributions of vowel ‘이’, ‘에’ and ‘으’ spread widely. On the other hand, the distributions of ‘아’, ‘어’, ‘오’ and ‘우’ are narrow and concentrated. It shows that in case of ‘아’ and ‘어’ rarely overlap with other vowels but ‘오’ and ‘우’ overlap more than half. Bengali has front vowel /i e æ/, central vowel /a/ and back vowel /ɔ o u/. Bengali vowels /i, e, æ/ have wide distribution at the value of F2. In particular, the overlapped range of ‘e' and ‘æ' is so wide that Bengali speakers even can not distinguish clearly. For /ɔ, o, u/, there are a lot of overlapped parts, especially the part of /o, u/ is wider than ‘오' and ‘우'. As a result of comparing vowels that Korean and Bengali has in common, the statistically significant differences were identified within /i e a ɔ o/ except ‘u'. Chapter 4 analyzes Bengali speakers' pronunciation of Korean monophthongs. To grasp pronunciation of Bengali speaker accurately, it was compared with pronunciation of Korean speaker. And the significant differences between pronunciation of Bengali and Korean appeared. In other words, the pronunciation of Bengali and the pronunciation of Korean on Korean vowel are not the same. This is on account of the influence of Bengali vowels. The fact that pronunciation of Korean monophthongs pronounced by Bengali speaker is very similar to Bengali vowels verified through 4.2. Mother tongue influences Bengali speakers pronounce Korean monophthongs. This study figures out the causes of Bengali speaker's Korean vowel pronunciation by examining features of Bengali. Bengali vowel ‘o' is frequently substituted to other vowels and this feature of Bengali might influence on pronunciation of Korean vowel ‘오'.
