러시아어권 학습자들의 한국어 발음 오류 연구 : 음운현상을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A study on the Korean Language pronunciation Errors of the Russian speakers. The purpose of this study is to find out and systematizate the error which is occur in Korean prononucation of Russin language speakers according the phonologigal phenomena....

A study on the Korean Language pronunciation Errors of the Russian speakers. The purpose of this study is to find out and systematizate the error which is occur in Korean prononucation of Russin language speakers according the phonologigal phenomena. In the second chapter we compared the phonological system of Korean and Russian languages and found out the differens beetwen them. Based on this theoratical material we tried to guess what the errors are could be done by Russian learners during the test. Chapter 3 is consist of the pre-test part and main-test and analyze of the resuls of the test.. First pre-test was executed with 6 students, 2 persons from each one of the begginer, intermediate and advanced levels. The test which is based on the the work of the Yu Jin(2011) and Park Se Hee (2012) was made up and it totally consist of 10 phonological phenomena (n-insertion > liquidization > nasalization > aspiratization > syllable final netralization > consonant cluster simplification > palatalization > delection of the laryngeal > glottalization > long vowel phenomena.) Russian speakers was made to read the words and sentecnse which is checking the errors of the phonological phenomena and during the testing they were recorded. The results of the test was assessed by Korean langauge native speakers and than according the result of analyze was systemazied the errors pattern of Russian learners. 30 Russian learners participated in the main test. And all the results was presented with detailed error examples. The rating of the error accured in next way n-insertion > liquidization > nasalization > aspiratization > syllable final netralization > consonant cluster simplification > palatalization > delection of the laryngeal > glottalization > long vowel phenomena. The phonolygical changes was divided into 3 groups. Over-generalization, lack of the learning and interference of the mother tongue. The most result of the phonolgy phenomena is generally occured with the high figure but as level upgrading up it was noticed the deacreasing tendency of the error rate. This is give the foundation to be supposed that phonology phenomena are to be acquired without the special difficults by the russian learners. But 3 kind of them n-insertion, liquidization and aspiratization’s figure which is occured with high figure not only at the begginer level but also at the advanced level as well. According to this results it should be supposed that they are make a difficult to acquire, so they need a special attention. This study is meaningful that it shows the errors of the phonology phenomen which is occure in the Korean prononcuation of the russian learneres and it’s shows the reason of their ocurrence. We hope it would be helpful to for teaching korean language approuching the russian learn
