대학에서 제공하는 교육외적서비스에 대한 한국학생과 중국유학생의 비교연구 : 이용빈도, 품질지각이 만족 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The objective of this study is to provide a basic data required for establishing a strategy of attracting Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad and improving their satisfaction based on external service of education being provided by th...

The objective of this study is to provide a basic data required for establishing a strategy of attracting Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad and improving their satisfaction based on external service of education being provided by the universities as an alternative of crisis encountered by the universities of our country due to decrease of school-age population. Research questions being explained for research objective are as follows. First, is there any difference in general status in terms of using frequency of external service of education, quality perception, satisfaction, intention of recommendation between two groups including Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad? Second, is there any difference in using frequency, quality perception, satisfaction and intention of recommendation based on demographic statistical variables of Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad? Third, what are the variables affecting overall service satisfaction, service satisfaction by each area of Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad? Fourth, what are the variables affecting intention of recommendation of Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad? By performing an enquete for 15 days from September 9 to 23, 2015 by targeting Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad who are attending C national university located at Daejeon, total copies of questionnaire responded by 300 Korean students and 170 Chinese students studying abroad were used for an analysis. Statistic program being used for analyzing research questions was SPSS ver. 22.0 and as statistic technique, factor analysis, reliability analysis, frequency & percentage, average (mean) & SD, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test, non-parametric test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were applied. Summary of research result being obtained through statistic analysis is as follows. In research question 1, overall using status of external education service of Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad was analyzed. It was revealed that both Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad frequently used computer/mobile, student welfare service among diversified external education service (academic support, student welfare, future design, administration, computer/mobile, exchange support, cultural activity) provided by the university and using frequency of future design and exchange support service was low. In particular, in case of Chinese students studying abroad, using frequency of administration service was represented to be significantly higher than that of Korean students. Based on this result, university authorities could provide university information efficiently through the area of which service using frequency of the students is high and maximize overall service improvement effect through service improvement of the area having high using frequency. On the other hand, in case of an area of which service using frequency is low, a method of increasing such using frequency is required to be devised through PR strengthening and service improvement for that area. In case of quality perception, it was revealed that both Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad had high quality perception for tangibility and reliability and quality perception for responsiveness and empathy that is lower than average. This implies that the students had high tangibility for appearance, latest equipment, data provision in terms of service quality provided by university and high reliability for service time, record, accurate provision but prompt, readily problem solution by prepared staffs with concern upon request of the students for assistance or provision of customized service by identifying concern and needs of the students fell short of expectation. On the other hand, quality factor in which difference of quality perception of Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad was most significant was represented as conviction and while conviction was represented to be the highest in overall quality perception in case of Korean students, low conviction for university service was represented in Chinese students studying abroad due to linguistic communication problem. Therefore, by targeting students studying abroad, a strategy of improving conviction is required to be established. Finally, in case of satisfaction by each service area, it was represented to be high for both Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad in the order of computer/mobile service, academic support service and administration service but future design service was represented to be low. Satisfaction of Chinese students was represented to be generally higher than that of Korean students and comparing with Korean students, in case of Chinese student, in particular, while satisfaction for cultural activity was represented to be high, that of exchange support service was represented to be lower than other areas. Based on this result, a cause of service having low quality perception and satisfaction is required to be extensively clarified together with its improvement method and by emphasizing service factors having high quality perception (tangibility, reliability) and service area having high satisfaction, it could be utilized as PR strategy for attracting freshmen and image enhancement strategy for improving satisfaction of enrolled students. In research question 2, difference of using frequency, quality perception, satisfaction and intention of recommendation based on demographic statistical variables was explored. In case of using frequency of Korean students, a significant difference was represented in a certain service using frequency depending on each grade and in case of academic support, future design and administration service, using frequency of higher graders was represented to be higher than that of 1st graders but in case of student welfare service, using frequency of 1st graders was oppositely higher than that of 2nd, 3rd graders. In addition, the more household economy being perceived subjectively was high, using frequency of future design and exchange support service of Korean students was represented to be increased. In case of Chinese students, a difference was represented in a certain service using frequency depending on residing pattern and using frequency for student welfare and computer/mobile service of the students residing in dormitory was represented to be higher than that of the students who replied that they lead their life alone apart from their family. On the other hand, in case of Korean students, residing pattern affected just using frequency of student welfare service and using frequency of the students residing in dormitory was represented to be significantly higher than that of the students who replied that they live together with their parents or lead their life alone apart from their family. In case of quality perception, only reliability and responsiveness showed significant difference depending on demographic statistical variables and in case of Korean students, 'reliability' showed significant difference depending on each grade and quality perception of 1st graders was higher than that of 3rd graders and in case of Chinese students, significant difference was represented depending on gender and quality perception for reliability factor of female students was higher than that of male students. In case of Korean students, the more subjectively perceived household economy was low, quality perception for 'responsiveness' was represented to be increased and in case of Chinese students, quality perception of female students was higher than that of male students. In case of satisfaction of Korean students, satisfaction of a certain service area was represented to show inter-group difference depending on subjective academic achievement among general features and the more academic achievement was high, satisfaction for academic support, administration service and exchange support service was represented to be high. This result is coincided with the contents of preceding study implying that in case of student with excellent academic achievement, as staying time in school is long, difference of understanding for school service may affect satisfaction difference (Nasser et al., 2008). On the other hand, in case of Chinese students studying abroad, it was revealed that there was no difference in satisfaction for external education service depending on demographic statistical variables. In research question 3, factors affecting using frequency, quality perception and its relationship with satisfaction were explored. When observing relationship between using frequency and satisfaction first, it was revealed that student welfare, administration service using frequency exerted significant effect on student satisfaction for both Korean students and Chinese students but as modified R2 value is very low level, other influencing factors affecting satisfaction than using frequency are required to be explored additionally. In a relationship between quality perception and satisfaction, for both Korean students and Chinese students, the more quality perception for conviction and tangibility among service quality were high, satisfaction of the students for university service was represented to be high and besides, empathy in case of Korean students and responsiveness in case of Chinese student were represented to exert a positive effect on quality perception. It was also revealed that quality perception factor affecting significantly to Korean students was empathy and that affecting significantly to Chinese students was conviction factor. When observing factors affecting satisfaction based on this result, it was revealed that in case of Korean students, academic achievement, using frequency of cultural activity service and reliability and tangibility factor of quality affected general service satisfaction and in case of Chinese students, grade, using frequency of student welfare service and administration service and tangibility of quality perception affected general service satisfaction. When observing service satisfaction by each area, it showed difference with general service satisfaction. In case of Korean students, residing pattern (academic support, student welfare, future design, exchange support service satisfaction) and academic achievement (academic support, future design, exchange support service satisfaction) affected service satisfaction of a certain area and in case of service using frequency, excepting two areas including academic support and administration service, the more service using frequency was increased, satisfaction was represented to be increased as well. In addition, it was revealed that in case of quality perception, tangibility exerted significant effect on overall service satisfaction excepting student welfare service and in case of student welfare and cultural activity, reliability for service provision and in case of administrative service, conviction exerted significant effect additionally. In case of Chinese student, as grade is increased, satisfaction for student welfare, exchange support and cultural activity service was represented to be decreased and in case of excellent Korean language ability, satisfaction for academic support service and future design service was increased. In case of service using frequency, in other areas excepting cultural activity service, the more using frequency of relevant area was increased, a static effect on satisfaction by each area was represented. In case of quality perception, tangibility was represented to affect satisfaction of several areas (academic support, future design, administration, computer/mobile, exchange support, cultural activity) and in case of student welfare service, while tangibility was not significant, responsiveness was represented to exert a static effect on satisfaction. In particular, in case of administration service, it was not affected by demographic statistical variables and quality perception and only administration using frequency exerted a static effect on satisfaction and its explanatory power was represented to be high as 26.3%. In research question 4, factors affecting relationship of quality perception, satisfaction and intention of recommendation were analyzed. As a result of observing relation between satisfaction and intention of recommendation, in case of Korean students, the more satisfaction for academic support, future design, cultural activity and administration service was increased, intention of recommendation was represented to be increased and among these, influencing power of administration service satisfaction was significant and in case of Chinese students, satisfaction for administration service was represented to exert a positive (/) effect on intention of recommendation. Additionally, as a result of confirming direct effect of using frequency and quality perception on intention of recommendation, quality perception, not using frequency, exerted a significant effect on intention of recommendation. Commonly for both Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad, the more quality perception for conviction and tangibility was high, it exerted a static effect on intention of recommendation and among these, influencing power of conviction was represented to be significant. In addition, in case of Korean student, while responsiveness was significant to intention of recommendation, in case of Chinese students, reliability exerted a significant effect on intention of recommendation. In other words, it could be realized that conviction and tangibility among quality perception were very important factors that exert a static effect on both satisfaction and intention of recommendation of Korean students and Chinese students. However, in quality perception status being observed previously, Korean students perceived conviction and tangibility more seriously than average quality perception but in case of Chinese students, as quality perception for conviction was represented to be low comparing with other quality perception factors, university authorities could improve satisfaction not only for overall university service but also for intention of recommendation together with improvement of quality perception by increasing perception level for conviction of Chinese students. As a result of observing factors affecting intention of recommendation based on this result, for both Korean students and Chinese students studying abroad, only quality perception was represented to exert a significant effect on intention of recommendation. Therefore, contrary to preceding study model ing that existing quality perception affects satisfaction and then satisfaction affects intention of recommendation, it could be newly concluded that a direct effect of quality perception on intention of recommendation is very predominant.
