한국어 교원과 중등 국어 교사의 양성 과정 비교 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

Korean as a Second Language(KSL) teachers and Secondary School Korean language teachers teach both speaking and writing in Korean. Studies which compare and contrast the training programs of KSL teachers and the training programs of Secondary School K...

Korean as a Second Language(KSL) teachers and Secondary School Korean language teachers teach both speaking and writing in Korean. Studies which compare and contrast the training programs of KSL teachers and the training programs of Secondary School Korean language teachers can provide insight for the development of KSL teacher training course and can improve the quality. This study focuses on literature reviews and evaluates flaws in KSL teachers’ training course from similarities and differences between two training programs in various aspects such as establishment status, curriculum and teaching practices. The status of teacher education program were compared. KSL teacher education programs are in various forms such as non-degree programs, credit bank systems, cyber undergraduate and graduate programs. These various forms should be integrated into undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The degree curriculums of KSL teacher are complex and diverse, and have various names. They need to have a unified college and graduate academic title in order for them to become an individual pedagogical content. Comparing the features of the curriculums and courses of degree shows that Secondary School Korean language teachers has completed 8 courses, approximately 27 credits more than KSL teachers. Furthermore they were required to take at least 11 courses, approximately 54 credits more in order to obtain a teacher’s license. These results lead us to conclude that the number of required courses and credits need to be increased for more professionalism. Moreover, KSL and Secondary School Korean language teaching training curriculums and courses were compared after subdivided into teaching profession, major subject course and theory of teaching. These studies show that KSL teacher program consider theory of teaching more important compared to Secondary School Korean language teacher program which consider major subject courses more important. This result suggests that number of credits and major courses need to be increased and teaching profession class are required to be installed for the cultivation of practical skills in education. As a result of this study, we were able to conclude that class observation, simulation teaching and actual lecture teaching practice should be part of the requirements of the KSL practicum. Moreover, the practicum course should be improved by adding ‘practical training’ into the syllabus and conducting essential educational volunteer courses.
