한국어 학습자의 성격 유형에 따른 말하기 오류 수정 피드백 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study aims to suggest an effective method of error correction, according to the disposition of the foreign learners who participate in Korean speaking classes. For this purpose, this study would classify the learners’ personality into types and...

This study aims to suggest an effective method of error correction, according to the disposition of the foreign learners who participate in Korean speaking classes. For this purpose, this study would classify the learners’ personality into types and investigate the aspects of how the learners accept the teacher’s error correction and respond to the correction. This study argued that, in the process of learning a language, an error is one of the processes of language acquisition that the learners go through, which can be a clue that provides information about what part the learners do not understand and why such a problem occurs. Thus, this study would suggest an easier method of error correction to learners, figuring out the method of error correction according to the learners’ disposition instead of the external requirements of learning. Therefore, this study set up the following hypotheses concerning the learners’ disposition and the correction of their speaking errors. (1) A preferred method of error correction would differ depending on the learner's disposition. In order to figure out the learner’s disposition for the verification of the above hypothesis, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test was conducted, and the errors occurring in the classroom were shown as six different types. Then, a survey was conducted to investigate the learners’ preferred method of error correction. For this purpose, a survey was conducted with 26 Chinese learners at university institutions in Gyeongsangbuk-do. The learners showed only slight differences according to the disposition, but most of them preferred the recast of errors the most (21.2%), followed by elicitation, clarification request, metalinguistic feedback and explicit correction, and preferred repetition the least. Therefore, the preferred method of error correction did not differ depending on the learner's disposition. (2) There would be a big effect on error correction when a different method of error correction is applied according to the learner's disposition. Next, the hypothesis that there would be an effective method of error correction according to the learner's disposition was verified through an experiment. The learners’ responses were rated while the learners were talking, so as to analyze the aspects of their error corrections. As a result, Extraversion-E, Intuition-N and Thinking-T responded best to explicit correction while Introversion-I and Feeling-F showed the highest response to the request for clarification. Sensing-S showed the highest responses to the request for clarification and explicit correction simultaneously. Then, it was found through an additional experiment that there was a certain effect according to the learner's disposition. As a result of the main experiment and the additional experiment like above, it could be proven that there would be a significant difference in the learners’ achievement of speaking, if the method of error correction suiting the learner's disposition out of the six methods was suggested. Through this study, it is expected that teachers can figure out the learners’ dispositions and apply them to the learning of speaking to increase the learning efficiency. In addition, it is expected that learner-centered education with the teaching method appropriate for each person can be carried out.
