한국어 학습자를 위한 공감적 청자 반응 전략 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This study examined the usage of strategies in conversations between native Korean speakers and learners of Korean language and explored the educational potential by designing empathetic listener response strategies. The concept of empathetic listener...

This study examined the usage of strategies in conversations between native Korean speakers and learners of Korean language and explored the educational potential by designing empathetic listener response strategies. The concept of empathetic listener response strategies has yet to be discussed in the field of Korean language education. Therefore, this study presented the concepts and elements of empathic listener responses, educational significance, and direction and designed ‘empathetic listener response strategies to facilitate dialogue' by considering the related theories and arguments in Chapter 2. In Chapter 3, this study presented the function of ‘empathetic listener response strategies' designed in Chapter 2 for each type and strategy. In addition, this study proposed the feasibility and typical aspects of strategies in real dialogue by analyzing daily conversation between native Korean speakers. Separation of existing strategies, addition of strategies found in the process of analyzing the conversation, and strategies not generally found in real conversation were reexamined in the analysis process. The system of 'empathetic listener response strategies' constructed by this process is as follows: Empathic understanding response is divided into‘receptive listening', 'indication of understanding', and‘clarification'. ‘Receptive listening' type consists of ‘indication of listening', ‘indication of feeling', and ‘indication of agreement' strategies. ‘Indication of understanding' includes ‘repeat of partner's speech' and ‘amplification' strategies.‘Clarification' type includes‘confirmation of term meaning', ‘confirmation of accuracy', and ‘request for information'. Empathic affect concentration response consists of‘reflective listening' and ‘encouragement'. ‘Reflective listening' type includes ‘realistic empathy', ‘discursive empathy', ‘restatement', ‘case presentation', ‘emotional expression', and ‘objective perspective induction' strategies. ‘Praise' and ‘consolation' are included in the detailed strategy of ‘encouragement' type. ‘Empathic dialogue cooperative response' is divided into‘co-construction', ‘guidance of partner's speech', and‘presentation of opinions' types.‘Co-construction' type consists of‘memory recall' and‘prediction of following speech' strategies.‘Guidance of partner's speech' type includes‘direct request of following speech', ‘indirect request of following speech', and‘topic development' strategies.‘Presentation of opinions' type contains 'consensus opinion' and 'differences in perspective' strategies. In Chapter 4, this study analyzed aspects of using the strategies in the conversation between native Korean speakers based on the empathic listener response strategy established in Chapter 3. To this end, this study examined the frequency by type and strategy and extracted desirable and realistic aspects of using strategies. In Chapter 5, this study examined how learners of Korean language actually used the empathic listener response strategy based on aspects of using the strategies of native Korean speakers discussed in Chapter 4. To this end, this study compared the frequency of the strategy use between native Korean speakers and learners of Korean language and analyzed the error and cause found in aspects of using the strategies of learners of Korean language. This made it possible to derive educational implications and to propose an educational plan for empathic listener response strategy targeting learners of Korean language. The main content can be summarized as follows: All strategies except‘restatement' strategy and‘objective perspective induction’were found in the conversation between learners of Korean language. In addition, it was difficult to find differences in the level of the frequency by strategy between intermediate and advanced learners of Korean. However, advanced Korean learners showed more developmental and precise representation methods for the strategies compared to intermediate Korean learners. Conversely, both native Korean speakers and learners of Korean language showed a similar distribution of the frequency of using the detailed strategies. It was frequently observed that the quality of empathic conversation was lowered by the contextual and formal errors and awkward expressions in using the strategies. Moreover, it was found that conversation was interrupted without using them. Thus, this study proposed educational implications and direction with a focus on problems in the use of the empathic listener response strategy for learners of Korean language. The significance of this study is as follows: First, this study developed the concept of the‘empathic listener response strategy' and designed the detailed strategies. This strategy will work as an effective strategy capable of encouraging learners of Korean language to play their role as an active listener and furthermore as a conversation facilitator. Second, this study developed a practical strategy by analyzing aspects of using the strategies of native Korean speakers and presented specific aspects of the use of strategies. This study is significant in extracting significant aspects and teaching items presented as educational content for the empathic listener response strategy. Third, this study thoroughly examined how the empathic listener response strategy found in the conversation between intermediate and advanced learners of Korean language was actually used compared to native Korean speakers. This study is significant in increasing the educational need of the empathic listener response strategy and exploring the possibility and direction of teaching learning. The specific aspects of the empathic listener response strategy in this study will be used as actual data showing desirable and undesirable aspects in educating strategies. Therefore, it is expected that methods for teachi
