한국어 교재 대화문의 적절성 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

A study on the appropriateness of dialogue in Korean textbooks The aim of this study is to find out whether appropriateness is considered in the Korean language. To this, expressions are looked and analyzed if the appropriateness equipped in the dial...

A study on the appropriateness of dialogue in Korean textbooks The aim of this study is to find out whether appropriateness is considered in the Korean language. To this, expressions are looked and analyzed if the appropriateness equipped in the dialogue of Korean Language materials. Dialogue of Korean material is point part very between element which compose teaching material. Dialogue includes target of prefessor method, learning, and show meaning of grammar element, function and representative expression that is established by target. However, dialogue includes expression that show actuality conversation and difference or is not right with actuality contents. This treatise makes suitable dialogue mutual understanding ability as well as correct language special quality of Korean learners to important point of an argument. Chapter 1 describes research purpose and examined virtue research connected with this treatise. Chanpter 2 examined theory that necessity of proper language use education is emphasized in foreign language education such as Speech Act Theory, Communication ability. And examined appropriateness concept and component. The appropriacy is the ability to use approoraite language, considering the back ground which the expression is happended, the purpose of the expression, and the relationship between the speaker making the expression and the listener interpreting it. Explained diving language ingredient, situation ingredient, purpose ingredient in element that compose appropriateness department. Chapter3 analyzes appropriatenss of Korean primary grade teaching material conversation sentence. At first, this ste the category of language-situation, language-purpose and situation-purpose, and examined that each expressions. And checked the degree of expressions that was inappropriate. This study showed the Korean material had the inappropriate expression in dialogue. This means students can be likely to make some expressions which leads misunderstanding. In other words, students may fail when they say expressions. The biggest factor causing the inappropriacy is the relationship between the speaker. As the results of studies, Korean language needs for the education of formal expreesion and informal expreesion and requires a more systematic education and develop a Korean Language Textbook.
