중국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 담화표지 교육 방안 연구 -담화표지 '그러게’를 중심으로- [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


 话语标记存在于许多人类语言中,在日常语言使用中几乎时时用到。熟练的掌握话语标记语不仅可以帮助的交际顺利进行,而且达到连贯的影响。1980年以来,语言学家尤其是语用学家不断对话语标记语进行探讨研讨,自从Schiffrin的《话语标记语》出版后,吸引了很多学者的注意力,对话语标记语探讨的兴趣越来越浓,并已形成不同的探讨流派。总的来说,在对话语标记语的探讨中,有四种不同的视角,即以话语连贯为中心的探讨视角、句法—语用视角、认知语用学的视角和把话语标记语看作元语用意识标识语的探讨视角。回顾话语标记语的探讨发展历史,韩语论文题目,可以看到学者们从认知语言学、类型学、语法化、历时发展和语言习得等角度对话语标记语进行了探讨。其中作用较大有Deborah Schiffrin,以话语连贯或社会互动理论,采取互动略论和变异略论相结合的措施来探讨话语标记语。 最近十多年来,话语标记语的探讨成了语言探讨中发展迅猛的一个领域,无论是在句法律、语义学或是语用学领域,学者们都倾向于把话语标记语看作是主要出现于会话中且发挥一定的语用功能的语言现像,“话语标记语”这一术语对不同的探讨者而言也有着不同的意义。因此,对话语标记语的探讨有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。

One of the main purposes of Korean Language Education is to improve learners' communication ability. However, accuracy of grammar and pronunciation has been exaggerated while the importance of communication ability has been overlooked. Hence, to impro...

One of the main purposes of Korean Language Education is to improve learners' communication ability. However, accuracy of grammar and pronunciation has been exaggerated while the importance of communication ability has been overlooked. Hence, to improve discourse skill of Korean learners, ability to communicate naturally using suitable expression in different situation and context is very
At discourse level, discourse marker plays an major role in transferring speaker’s intention accurately to listener. Discourse marker helps to express speaker’s attitude and feelings as well as helping the conversation runs smoothly. Among the many types of discourse markers, ‘geu reo ge’ play the very important role. However, Chinese learners do not understand the functions of in a conversation. Hence, this purpose of this study is systemizing educational contents of ‘geu reo ge’ to let Chinese learners understand the functions of in a conversation and able to use it in real life conversation like Korean native speakers.
In chapter two, concepts and functions of Korean discourse marker were set out based on prior studies.
In chapter three, shows the definition, functions, and distinctive features of discourse markers. Then it analyses the current teaching methods in the view of teaching guidance, learners, and teaching models, and especially focuses on PPP teaching procedure model, which is a brand new teaching model. PPP teaching model is very adjustable since it can be changed depending on learners’language proficiency level, their needs, and educational environment. And also, this model is more effective since it calls for the active participation of all class members and encourages learners to communicate with each other in the class, as such the learners are able to use discourse markers in appropriate ways in real life situations.
In chapter four, an effective teaching method on the purposes of ‘geu reo ge’ was designed based on contents and tests conducted in chapter three. In other words, knowing ‘geu reo ge’ functions and proper expression usage. To identify the problems and supplement the problems of the current written language centered Korean language education based on the spoken discourse characteristics and material analysis, a discourse education plan utilizing the media such as TV show was presented. The Korean language lesson using such media helps Korean language learners to carry on correct spoken discourse in real life.
It is hoped that more systematic and objective discussion will be carried out focusing on spoken discourse utilizing media.
