현대몽골어와 한국어 유의 정도 부사의 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of the study is to provide some information of similarities and differences, syntax of adverbs, and semantic nature between Korean and Mongolian languages as we make comparisons of the two. Furthermore, it is written to provide some useful...

The purpose of the study is to provide some information of similarities and differences, syntax of adverbs, and semantic nature between Korean and Mongolian languages as we make comparisons of the two. Furthermore, it is written to provide some useful tool for narrators in need of efficient list of adverbs. Therefore, we have analyzed syntactic nature of attentive degree adverbs between the two and found some differences in syntactic structure, qualifications for common and individual definitions. In addition, in viewpoint of syntax, it has been analyzed to identify both common and individual meaning as we considered co-occurrence among modificands of attentive degree adverbs of the two languages.
By far, the research between the two languages has been done very actively; in general, there are several classifications for adverbs - in terms of form, function, definition, etc. The subordinate way to classify the adverbs of the two can be based on time, place, degree, and symbol. Of these, the degree identifies the severity of adverbs, and strengthens and weakens modificand. Furthermore, it often happens to have repetitive expressions in comparison of time and place. The latter two deals with few words to be repetitive and still clearly distinguishes differences in meaning when compared to the former one. Interestingly, symbolic adverbs, unlike the other ones, are divided to onomatopoeia and mimetic word; theses two need to be focused on viewpoint of forms and phonology other than the meaning.
Hence, paying attention to degree adverbs in Mongolian and considering syntactic nature of Korean ones, we have made comparisons of similarity degree adverbs of the two languages based on the examination.
The following describes summary of arguments from each chapter of thesis.
Chapter one offers its purpose, target, and ways of research and examines adverbs of the two languages after the preceding research of degree adverbs. Then it makes comparison of degree adverbs between the two.
Chapter two mentions degree adverbs of the two languages. In consideration of Mongolian degree adverbs, it describes some concepts, definitions, and scopes of the adverbs and then selects similar degree adverbs in the end. Similarly, it then considers Korean degree adverbs describing some concepts, definitions, and scopes of the adverbs and finally select the degree adverbs in response to Mongolian ones. Mongolian attentive degree adverbs include ‘асар[asar](highly, extremely), маш[mash](very), нэн[nen](very much, even more), тун [tun] (extraordinary)’ ‘бүр[bür](quite), улам[ulam](more)’, ‘гоц [gots] (unusually), гойд[goid](primely)’, and ‘ер[yer](hardly ever, ever), огт[ogt](never, absolutely)’, in four pairs, and the Koreans include ‘무척, 아주, 매우, 몹시’, ‘더욱, 더’, ‘유난히, 유독’, ‘도무지, 전혀', in one pair which can be replaced with no significant change of meaning in sentences.
Chapter three describes how the meaning changes in syntactic structure by co-occurrence of lagging components between the two languages. It analyzes how each attentive degree adverbs can be co-occurred with what kinds of components, or what kinds of components cannot be done with; in other words, how they can be distinguished by the terms of syntactic structure. Furthermore, in viewpoint of syntactic perspective, it proceeds to find some differences in meaning when co-occurred with adjectives, verbs, adverbs, nouns, and other components to find what kinds of latter components co-occurs with the attentive degree adverbs for the two different languages in a sentence or context. The existing argument states that Korean attentive degree adverbs mainly either modifies or limits when some of verbs, uninflected words, determiner, and adverbs are co-occurred with them. On the other hand, the Mongolian ones mainly include adjectives, verbs, some of adverbs and numerals which can be co-occurred with the adverbs.
Chapter four is based on the principles of the former one and continues to explain main qualifications in meaning of the attentive degree adverbs between the two languages as we classify them to "reinforcement", "stress", and "comparison". In general, the attentive degree adverbs are classified to "reinforcement" and "stress" when dealing with the qualifications in meaning. However, since these two languages do not appear to pay attention to the meaning of "weakening", this leaves them to classify the two categories and states "comparison" as there are some degree adverbs consisting of comparing clauses in the sentences of comparing signs.
In conclusion, we make the whole summary of the last chapters and suggests what to be done for the improvement of the research in the future.
