중국 주요 국유상업은행의 서비스품질·고객만족·신뢰가 행동의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 중국 장쑤성 고객 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


考慮到中國商業銀行市場佔有率和調查的難度,在本探讨中選取4個中國國有商業銀行為探讨對象。它們分別是 ‘中國工商銀行’, ‘中國農業銀行’, ‘中國銀行’, 以及 ‘中國建設銀行’。
利用統計道具SPSS 18.0和 AMOS20.0,本研檢驗了包括,韩语论文题目,信賴度略论,因子略论,相關關係略论,回歸略论以及結構方程式。得出以下結論。
(1)通過探究性因子略论,本論文確立了新的國有商業銀行服務品質的測量量錶。測量量錶包括25個問項和4個因子:其中相互影响品質(10 問項),物理環境品質(5 問項),結果品質(6 問項),服務基礎自動化服務品質(4 問項)。

Commercial Banking plays a very important role in the chinese national economy and the people's lifehood. With the arrival of the era of Buy's Market Chinese customer are no longer stay at just seeking cheap price products or services, but more and mo...

Commercial Banking plays a very important role in the chinese national economy and the people's lifehood. With the arrival of the era of Buy's Market Chinese customer are no longer stay at just seeking cheap price products or services, but more and more concerning about service quality. Therefore, if State-Owned commercial Banks want to obtain competitive advantage in the strong competition, managers of the state-owned commercial banks must pay attention to service marketing management. The core philosophies of service marketing management are customer satisfaction, trust, and behavior intention; however, to improve the customer satisfaction and trust, the primary factor is to improve the service quality.
On the other hand, with the rapid development of information and communication technology, Chinese state-owned commercial bank's technology based self services has also been a rapid development, such as internet banking, telephone banking, and ATM(Automatic Teller Machine).
Commercial banks belong to the service industry, it's can't be too emphasize with the service quality. There are many abroad and domestic pre-literatures on the traditional service quality of the commercial banks, but only few researcher are focus on the service quality of technology based self-service like internet banking, telephone banking and ATM.
This research focuses of the relationship between the factors of service quality, customer satisfaction, trust and customer behavior intention. The influence of service quality on customer satisfaction and trust, and the influence of satisfaction and trust on the behavior intention. In this research commercial bank's service quality is not only include traditional service quality like interaction service quality, physical environment service quality, outcome quality but also research the technology based self service(TBSS).
Take account of China commercial bank's market share and difficulty of the survey. In this study four stat-owned commercial banks as the research objectives. That is 'Industrial and commercial Bank of China', 'Agricultural Bank of China', 'Bank of China Limited', 'Constructions Bank of China'.
Based on the above objectives, this study take retail customers of state-owned commercial banks in Jiangsu province as sample. Based on reviews and studies many pre-research and related literatures, then proposes new service quality model of state-owned commercial banks and research framework. A total of 500 questionnaires were randomly distributed to the retail customers of four state-owned commercial banks in Jiangsu, and valid were 459.
With the help of SPSS 18.0 and Amos 20.0, this research conducts reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis. and SEM(Structural Equation Model). Then came to the following conclusions:
(1)By using the exploratory factor analysis, in this research developed the new measurement scales of the perceived service quality in state-owned commercial banking services. The proposed scale comprises a 25 items which span 4 dimensions: interaction service quality(10 items), physical environment service quality(5 items), outcome quality(6 items), technology based self service quality(4 items).
(2)Each dimensions of the perceived service quality positively and significantly influence customer satisfaction and turst.
(3)Customer satisfaction positively and significantly influences trust.
(4)Customer satisfaction and trust positively and significantly influences the behavior intention.
