한국어와 중국어의 지시어 대조 연구 : - '이,그,저'와 ',那'를 중심으로- [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27


在本次研究过程中,首先,对韩语和汉语的指示语体系进行介绍与对照略论。其次,详细对韩语的‘이,그,저’和汉语的‘这,那’所具备的功能进行对照略论。最后,对‘이,그,저’和‘这,那’的指示对象进行分类对照。 韩语与汉语的指示语基本体系是不同的,韩语的指示语基本体系是‘三元’指示体系,即分为‘이,그,저’。汉语的指示语基本体系是‘二元’指示体系,即分为‘这,那’。两国的指示语是根据‘参照对象’来使用的。但是,参照对象和参照标准是不同的。韩语是用‘话者’,‘听者’作为参照对象来使用的,而汉语的参照对像只有‘话者’一个。例如韩语的参照标准是,当指示对象离‘话者’距离近的时候,用‘이’来指示。当指示对象离‘听者’距离近的时候,用而‘그’来指示。当指示对象离‘话者’和‘听者’距离都远的时候,则用‘저’来指示。而汉语的参照标准是,当指示对象离‘话者’距离近的时候,用‘这’来指示,离‘话者’距离远的时候,用‘那’来指示。 韩语‘이,그,저’与汉语‘这,那’都具有‘指示功能’,‘称代功能’,‘连词功能’。指示功能可以分为‘现场指示’和‘观念指示’两种。现场指示又分为‘实物指示’和‘图像指示’,观念指示也可分为‘抽象指示’与‘具象指示’。称代功能同样也分为两种,一是‘长型称代’,二是‘短型称代’。 ‘이,그,저’和‘这,那’的指示对象分为‘人称指示’,‘事物指示’,‘时间指示’,‘场所指示’,‘程度指示’五大类。

M.A. Thesis A comparative study on Korean and Chinese indicative words -focusing on ‘이, 그, 저’ and ‘这,韩语毕业论文,那’- Lin Long Department of Korean Language & Literature Graduate School, Yeungnam University (Supervised by Profe...

M.A. Thesis A comparative study on Korean and Chinese indicative words -focusing on ‘이, 그, 저’ and ‘这,那’- Lin Long Department of Korean Language & Literature Graduate School, Yeungnam University (Supervised by Professor Lee, Hyeok Hwa) In the research process, First of all, the Korean and Chinese indicative words system are introduced and the comparative analysis. Second, detailed Korean ‘이, 그, 저’ and China’s ‘这,那’ the function analysis. Finally, ‘이, 그, 저’ and ‘这, 那’ indicative object classification with comparative. Korean and Chinese indicative words system is different, Korean indicative words system is ‘Three kinds’ Indicative system, is divided into ‘이, 그, 저’. Chinese indicative words system is ‘Two kinds’ Indicative system, is divided into ‘这,那’. Two countries indicative words system is based on ‘reference object’ to use. But, reference object and the reference standard is different. Korean ‘speaker’, ‘listener’ is used as a reference object. Chinese reference objects ‘speaker’ only one. For example, the Korean reference standard is, when the indicative objective was close to the ‘speaker’, ‘이’was used for indication, on the other hand, ‘그’was used for indication for.when the indicative objective was far away from both the ‘speaker’ and ‘listener’, it should be using ‘저’. But according to the Chinese reference standard, when the indicative objective was close to the ‘speaker’, ‘这’was used for indication, in contrast, ‘那’was used for indication. Korean ‘이, 그, 저’and Chinese ‘这,那’ are all have ‘function of indication’, ‘function of personal pronoun’, ‘function of conjunction’. function of indication have two parts of ‘live indication’ and concept indication’. Live indication also including ‘Material indication’ and ‘picture indication’, Concept indication including ‘abstract indication’ and ‘exact indication’. function of personal pronoun also distinguished from two parts, one is ‘long personal pronoun’, the other is ‘short personal pronoun’.   ‘이, 그, 저’ and ‘这,那’ for indication object which divided to five kinds of ‘person indication’, ‘object indication’, ‘time indication’, ‘place indication’, ‘degree indication’.
