아랍어권 한국어 학습자를 위한 명령화행 교육 방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The purpose of this research is to suggest imperative speech acts as a new method of teaching Korean as a foreign language to Arabic students, which in turn would promote intercultural communication. The current emphasis on Korean education as a fo...

The purpose of this research is to suggest imperative speech acts as a new method of teaching Korean as a foreign language to Arabic students, which in turn would promote intercultural communication.
The current emphasis on Korean education as a foreign language has shifted toward the actual ability to communicate rather than on grammar or the knowledge of vocabulary. Thus, for the Korean instructors, it is no longer as simple as communicating only through language but the ability to communicate using the culturally sound terminology, ideology, and value system, according to the different situations one may encounter.
In this research, speech acts are promoted because of it ability for the teaching method to incorporate cultural differences.
There is a significant Korean Wave (Han Ryu) in the Middle East and as a result, the number of people studying Korean in Arabic countries is increasing. In order to keep up with this trend, the Korean education system must take initiative to educate Arabic learners in the Korean culture as well as the language in order promote further and more in-depth communication and ultimately intercultural communication.
For the purpose of suggesting the educational initiative stated above, it must be done through the method of imperative speech acts. These imperative speech acts need to compare the difference between Arabic and Korean imperative systems.
The process of comparison in this research is based on the theories of Cross-Cultural Pragmatics. Two Korean dramas and three Arabic movies were used as the method of comparison in the research.

The process of the research is as follows:

Chapter 2:
Explanation of Cross-Cultural Pragmatics.
Examine theory of speech act and clarify concept of imperative speech act.
Divide and examine direct and indirect speech acts separately.

Chapter 3:
Application of Imperative speech acts divided by indirect and direct exposures.
During the exposure of direct imperative speech acts, the result examines the conditions of a Imperative sentence in both Arabic and Korean. Afterwards, it looks specifically at the function of the imperative of each language.
In the indirect imperative speech act exposures, the research compares the expansion of the functionality of the imperative sentences.
Search of usage of non-imperative sentences as an imperative speech.

Chapter 4:
For the imperative speech act education method aimed at the Arabic learners of the Korean language, the research suggests the IOHEC model.
The research gives an example lesson plan incorporating the IOHEC model.

The end result of the comparison of direct imperative speech acts, Korean imperative speech acts are influenced by the age of the listener, level of kinship between the speaker and the person spoken to. In Arabic, imperative speech acts are modified according to the listener's gender and number of listeners.
As a result of indirect imperative speech acts, the research was able to expand the functionality of imperative speech acts to 11 and 10 in Korean and in Arabic respectively. In Arabic, the function of <wish> was not present, which created the difference in the functionality of imperative speech acts between the two languages.
The research has found that both languages use non-imperatives sentences as imperative speech Act, however, the expression of the imperative differs according the cultural norms of each language.
This research highlights the importance of speech act education in intercultural communication. Thus, the research looks into the actual example of imperative speech acts in both Korean and Arabic and suggests an educational initiative to incorporate such models. This research will become the fundamental basis to promote the educational initiative stated above.
