고등학생 영작문 사전쓰기(Pre-writing)단계에서의 모국어 효과 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

The study aims to explore the effect of L1 in pre-writing stage in English writing performance of Korean learners of English and their perceptions on two English writing strategies: L1 dominant pre-writing and L2 dominant pre-writing depending on thei...

The study aims to explore the effect of L1 in pre-writing stage in English writing performance of Korean learners of English and their perceptions on two English writing strategies: L1 dominant pre-writing and L2 dominant pre-writing depending on their English proficiency. 60 high school students in the first grade in Seoul, were given two writing tasks. The students should be controlled to conduct each task on the condition that the first task should be conducted by L1 dominant pre-writing. In other words, They used Korean on the stage of prewriting in English writing. Later, the second one should be conducted by L2 dominant pre-writing. They used Korean on the stage of prewriting in English writing
The writing tasks were conducted in the same genre, making the results controlled and the writing task were involved in AT Writing in order that we might predict the future performance for entrance exam. T unit analysis revealed that syntatic complexity between the two strategies did not yield any statistically significant differences, and more students preferred L1 dominant pre-writing in writing tasks. In regard to Fluency, some differences were found. The students produced more sentences in L1 dominant pre-writing than in L2 dominant pre-writing. The participants' writing in L1 dominant pre-writing were improved in the holistic measurement. Based on the results, pedagogical implications are suggested. I would argue that L1 dominant pre-writing is more effective and meaningful way in the holistic aspect so as to improve students's writing context in EFL conditions.
