몽골 한국어 관광 가이드의 역할수준이 한국관광객의 만족도와 사후행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-27

This research attempted to recognize the importance of tour guides’ roles in Mongolia tours, and to grasp tour guides’ roles and service providing abilities, and to verify the effects of tour guides’ roles on satisfaction with tour guides’ ser...

This research attempted to recognize the importance of tour guides’ roles in Mongolia tours, and to grasp tour guides’ roles and service providing abilities, and to verify the effects of tour guides’ roles on satisfaction with tour guides’ services and the effects of the satisfaction with tour guides’ services on the overall degree of satisfaction and behavioral intentions.
The results of this research showed that tour guides’ role of guidance and responsibilities had effects on the level of emotional satisfaction with tour guides but did not have effects on the knowledge service satisfaction level, and tour guides’ role of providing knowledge and stability had effects on both the emotional service satisfaction level and the knowledge service satisfaction level. And it was found that the level of emotional satisfaction with tour guides had effects on both the overall degree of tour satisfaction and the behavioral intentions, but the level of knowledge satisfaction with tour guides did not have effects on both the overall degree of satisfaction and the behavioral intentions.
This provides the implications that it is more important for Mongol tour guides dealing with Korean tourists to make utmost efforts to secure accurate and diverse knowledge and enhance language proficiency, rather than simple job skills for the general role of implementing schedules and guiding tourists, and to form a mindset of treating tourists wholeheartedly, rather than simple business mindset. Based on the results of this research that no matter how proficient language skills tour guides may have, it is meaningless if Korean tourists did not feel emotional stability and pleasure during Mongolia tours, and Mongol tour guides treating Korean tourists should do their best to enable Korean tourists to enjoy comfortable and pleasant tours above all things.
In the additionally conducted verification of differences according to demographic characteristics, it was found that there were differences in the role of guidance and responsibilities according to tour guides’ age, and in the role of providing knowledge and stability according to tour guides’ age and work experience, and in the emotional service in the level of satisfaction with tour guides according to gender, age, and work experience, and in the knowledge service according to work experience. It was found that there were differences in the overall degree of satisfaction of Korean tourists visiting Mongolia according to gender and age, and there were differences in the behavioral intentions according only to tour guides’ gender.
Taken together, Korean tourists prefer male tour guides equipped with career and years of experience to a certain extent but such demographic characteristics of tour guides do not always have effects on the overall degree of satisfaction and positive behavioral intentions, so Mongol tour guides dealing with Korean tourists should make utmost efforts to provide the sense of psychological stability and emotionally comfortable service above all things during touring activities, and the Mongol government and the specialists related to the Mongol tourist industry should pay a lot more attention to marketing activities to get rid of negative image of Mongolia in public security and crimes and to form positive images.
