한류지각이 국가이미지 및 브랜드이미지와 구매의도에 미치는 영향 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Korean Wave refers to significantly increased of South Korean culture such as TV dramas, pop songs, movies, fashions and games since 21st century. Korean Wave is spreading to the entire Asian area, such as China, Japan and Southeast Asia in many aspec...

Korean Wave refers to significantly increased of South Korean culture such as TV dramas, pop songs, movies, fashions and games since 21st century. Korean Wave is spreading to the entire Asian area, such as China, Japan and Southeast Asia in many aspects. However, most previous studies have analyzed Korean Wave as a whole concept. Since there are a lot of forms in Korean Wave and each of the form may have different role. The present study focuses on the perception of Korean Wave such as Korean drama perception, Korean pop music perception, Korean movies perception and also Korean star perception.
The present study investigated how much Korean wave had influence over the country image, Korean products’ brand image, how much the country image had influence the brand image, and how much the country image and brand image had influence the Chinese consumers’ purchasing intention. A survey of a random of 300 China Shenzhen consumers was conducted for how they feel of Korean Wave, the national image of South Korea, the brand image of Samsung product and the purchase intension of South Korea products. The collected data were analysed by statistics software SPSS 17.0.
As a result of studying only the perceptions of Korean drama and the perception of Korean star had positive effects on the country image of Korea. Second, only the perception of Korean star had positive effects on the brand image of Korean Samsung products. And the country image had positive effects on the brand image. Finally, both country image and brand image had positive effects on the purchase intention of Korean products by the Chinese consumers.
