공간전치사의 영한 번역 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the translation shifts of spatial prepositions in English-Korean translation depending on the differences in the grammatical level. As far as the difficulty of translating is concerned, most translators tend to...

The purpose of this thesis is to examine the translation shifts of spatial prepositions in English-Korean translation depending on the differences in the grammatical level. As far as the difficulty of translating is concerned, most translators tend to come up with grammatical differences between two languages. One of the biggest grammatical differences between English and Korean is the phrases denoting spatial relations. This is because Korean language system comprises not prepositions but postpositions, and the meanings and functions of Korean postpositions are not the same as those of English prepositions. In this respect, I explore various kinds of translation shifts of spatial prepositions appearing in English-Korean translation works.
To achieve this purpose, the Descriptive Methodology suggested by Toury is used. First of all, six best sellers in English-Korean translation literature are selected. After examining studies on the meanings and functions of English spacial prepositions and those of Korean spacial postpositions, a mapping of the relationship between the English prepositions and Korean postpositions can be made. And then each of source and target texts is analyzed to find translation shifts.
This study shows that the translation shifts of spatial prepositions are divided into 5 categories, namely substitution, addition, deletion, distortion, and compound. Among these five kinds of shifts, the highest frequency is given to addition of 31%. Substitution accounts for 25%, followed by deletion, compound, and distortion. In terms of meaning, this is because English spatial prepositions have more specific meanings such as three-dimensions and relative positions. As for function, This is explained by the fact that English prepositions can be used as post-modifiers, which is impossible in Korean grammar. Due to these differences, translators appear to choose various shifts, especially additions and substitutions, as a method to compensate for the loss of meanings and to suits modifiers to Korean grammar.
Translation is a form of communication. By acknowledging the possibilities of various shifts, therefore, translators need to be aggressive meditators in the process of translating, and the theorists of translation studies should make efforts to find out universals of translation.
