한국어와 영어의 초분절 자질을 고려한 효과적인 영어듣기 학습방법에 관한 연구 : 휴지(pause)를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

A Study on the Effective Method of English Listening Comprehension Using the Differences between English and Korean Suprasegmental Features Jung, Young Jean Department of English Education Graduate School of Education, Kongju National Universit...

A Study on the Effective Method of English Listening Comprehension Using the Differences between English and Korean Suprasegmental Features

Jung, Young Jean

Department of English Education
Graduate School of Education, Kongju National University

Supervised by Prof. Min, Su Jung

Generally speaking, a language is made of two parts. One is spoken language which expresses speaker's intention, and the other is written language which implements the limitation of spoken language. So, the aim of learning foreign language is to be fo...

Generally speaking, a language is made of two parts. One is spoken language which expresses speaker's intention, and the other is written language which implements the limitation of spoken language. So, the aim of learning foreign language is to be focused on understanding its phonetic and phonological phenomena, and acquiring its literal system to record speakers' ideas and sounds. As a result, there have been five key realms of learning foreign language since men and education were in the earth: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar whose function is to control and regulate each part.

By the way, most teachers and learners have only understood grammar as a method to enhance the ability of reading and translation. Moreover, most of the educators who have taught target languages have tried to create new method of teaching that correlates grammar with reading, using this point of view. Therefore, many easy and effective ways to enforce the ability of reading interlinked with grammar have been invented continuously.

However, there is a limitation of the viewpoint that grammar can be just linked with reading and writing to lead learners into the efficient acquisition of target language and to support them in mastering it, so there is a necessity of another viewpoint that grammar can be correlated with speech and the course of it to support the efficiency of learning target language and that systematic grammaticalization of spoken language is needed more.

In this situation, this study will be focused on the pause that is one of the suprasegmental features. To help learners master target language more effectively, it is also aimed to compare phonetic and phonological features of English to those of Korean, find out their character and differences, analyze their phonological phenomena, and then search for important things that help for effective method of listening comprehension.

Firstly, to get this goal, there will be the overview of the definition and the sorts of suprasegmental phonemes in chapter 2. Secondly, to search for the trend and opinion about the methods of listening comprehension related with suprasegmental features, there will be a research into previous s on the method of teaching and learning in chapter 3. Also, there will be the analysis of the limitation and the strong and weak points to these methods of listening comprehension to find out features and ways which help learners master more easily.

Thirdly, On the bases of these proceeding and analysis, there will be an experiment on pause, which is one of the suprasegmental features to show learners' and speakers' syntactical, semantic, psychological, and physical states, in order to find out the characters of Korean and English, and to discover how each speaker understands the properties of pause in one's language in chapter 4. The criteria used for this test are the levels of hierarchy made by the syntax, that is, segment, word and phrase, clause, and sentence level.

To complete this experiment more concretely and efficiently, the thing that samples the date of English and Korean speakers' speech will be done, the length of time for pauses will be measured by Wavesurfer1.8.1 which has been used for programme for phonetics test, its length will be dealt by means of statistics to compare each datum and then to find out each character, and the features shown in pauses will be analyzed by using statistics and compared to syntactical, semantic, and physical levels.

The features found out by the test of pauses are as follow. First, if we consider that most of the inhalation is shown in each ending part of the sentence, we can understand more importance of inhalation than that of exhalation and, know that the unit of respiration tends to coincide with a sentence rather than a phrase. This means that each speaker and listener can recognize clearly the pause shown in the sentence, so the pause of sentence level doesn't have much importance. In other words, like Skito's and Gono's proposals for the significance of the pauses in the clause or phrase, it is necessary to research or instruct them more carefully.

Second, a disparity between pause and syntax or semantics units is observed in the course of pause experiment. This shows that there is a limitation of the opinion that instructors teach pause by focusing on the syntax or semantics units. Therefore, it is necessary that researchers find out the cause and the reason of this disparity phenomenon systematically and that instructors teach the pause in word and phrase more carefully than the pause in segment and sentence, because students have more difficulty of perceiving the pause in word or phrase than that of noticing the pause in clause or sentence.

Third, like many scholars' suggestion that psychological length of pause, length made by relation between inter-words and inter-phrases, is more important than physical one of pause, length measured with micro- chronometer built in the programme, it is perceived by this test again that psychological length is more prominent than physical one.
