어휘학습 중점 한국어교재 개발방안연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

ABSTRACT A Study on Developing a Korean Textbook with Focusing on a Vocabulary Learning Seon-Ok Jeong Department of Korean Language Teaching Graduate School of Business, Administration and Culture Woosuk University Vocabulary is t...


A Study on Developing a Korean Textbook
with Focusing on a Vocabulary Learning

Seon-Ok Jeong
Department of Korean Language Teaching
Graduate School of
Business, Administration and Culture
Woosuk University

Vocabulary is the most basic elements and also important factor in language learning. Because vocabulary is able to create a basic and foundational sense in actual communication. That’s why words is available in Korean learning is a good criterion of a person's communicative skills.
Korean learner’s goal is to facilitate the communication. So, to learn the skills necessary to communicate, teachers must present Korean vocabulary's rules and category to Korean learners first. And, the developing a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning is urgently needed in that textbook must be properly configured in accordance with teacher's intention and learner's demanding. Because a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning may be a good starting point in improving Korean learning ability.
But, till now vocabulary in Korean learning rarely seems to get the credit it deserves. The study judged that Korean textbook now in use is aiming for the overall education, so it is seriously doubtful if vocabulary learning will be well executed. Korean listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar will be able to learn enough through the overall Korean textbook. But most the overall Korean textbook didn't show enough consideration for Korean vocabulary learning. so, this study judged that the developing a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning is urgently needed.
We need to reflect learner's demand by survey in developing the Korean textbook. Also We do an analysis of the Korean textbook and must draw the principle of the developing a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning. After this study reflected the needs of teacher and learner and did an analysis of the Korean textbook, this study developed a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning. The Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning that we have developed was composed with considering vocabulary's showing method, new words, the 5 steps learning process such as inception phase, showing phase, practicing phase, activity phase, finishing phase, vocabulary learning strategy, spiral arrangement of vocabulary. The first, by showing vocabulary related to the learning contents, this study expects that it will enable Korean learners to become active participants in the class. The second, this study expects that the proper stock of words will make learner's learning pressure reduce and learn well. The third, this study expects that vocabulary learning strategy will offer a way of learning method to most students who seem to feel uncomfortable with vocabulary learning. And finally, this study expects that spiral arrangement of vocabulary will be helping to learn Korean vocabulary systematically.
This study formed textbook for beginning learners of Korean. The reason is as follows. The first, the beginning learners of Korean is because they realizes the importance of vocabulary learning of Korean. The second, the beginning learners of Korean is suitable for applying the principle of Korean vocabulary showing. The third, At the beginning of Korean learning, learners need organized vocabulary learning.
After developing the Korean textbook, this study executed simulated classes four times. As a result of the simulated classes, this study reached this conclusion that a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning makes learners approach to classes actively. These results showed the great possibility that if learners know the unit's vocabulary, learners will more actively participate in classes. And, various practice phase and application phase of vocabulary learning were a great help to be used the learned vocabulary. Besides various positive results has the important role of proving a need a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning and it's result.
This study hopes that the results will make a small contribution to Korean vocabulary learning. And, this study also hopes a Korean textbook with focusing on a vocabulary learning will be developed by many researchers and it will create better learning environments in Korean learners.
