EFL환경의 효과적 초등 영어몰입지도방안에 관한 연구 : 내용중심 주제통합 프로그램을 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to find out an effective method to apply English immersion education program in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Korean environment, especially at the level of elementary-school English education. Due to u...

The purpose of this study is to find out an effective method to apply English immersion education program in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) in Korean environment, especially at the level of elementary-school English education.
Due to unfavorable availability of the EFL environment of English teaching and learning in Korea, many learners of English language hardly find themselves to be at a desired level of communicative language skills even after long period of English learning. In order to solve this problem and improve effectiveness of English learning/teaching as well, both English teachers and English educational institutions in Korea have tried to apply various contents and English language integrated content-based-instruction (CBI) methods to the elementary English teaching program and even to the general English program at college level as well. Even though the teaching English through the use of CBI program has been proved to have some positive effects on the learning of communicative English skill in Korea, still there is going a controversial debate regarding the practical effectiveness of applying CBI methods in Korean EFL environment depending on the degree of English immersion. Keeping these views in mind, this study was designed and conducted to examine an effective application of CBI English immersion program at an elementary school level in EFL. The key point of this study is to find out the effectiveness of CBI method which is assisted by a Korean assistant (simplified method of co-teaching)
There were two groups of students divided into one experimental group "A" and another controlled group "B" with thirty students in each group. All the students were attending an elementary school "Y" in the metropolitan city of Daegu. They took the English immersion courses taught by native English teachers. The sixty students were selected among those who had passed the level test for this study and divided into two groups with same number of students with similar level of English ability.
The teaching program was CBI program with the topic of "Dinosaurs", which contained many elements of teaching subjects such as Korean, Math, Science, Society in order to learn about "Dinosaurs". The same native English teacher was responsible for teaching the two groups, and taught his students for a period of eight weeks. The same lesson plans of sixteen sessions were used in each group. After each lesson, the students were asked to do their worksheet assignment. They also took a final test of their learning, which checked the degree of achievement of the leaning goals after sixteen sessions, and two surveys before and after the CBI program were conducted in order to ask their interest, understanding, need for Korean language assisting, participation and effectiveness of learning about their lessons.
Under this condition, the students in both two groups of experimental group "A" and controlled group "B", were taught about "Dinosaurs" by the use of CBI program. In order to conduct an experiment on effectiveness of a CBI method combined with simplified "co-teaching" in learning/teaching method in this study, the students in the Group "A" received extra five-minute-exercise with a help of a Korean teacher at the beginning of each lesson, while the Group "B" students were given a straight teaching only in English with no help by a Korean teacher in the classroom. The Group "A" students had the worksheet as assignments with Korean language translation. Except the fact that the students in the Group "A" received five-minute-long explaining assistance by a Korean teacher, the other teaching conditions were same in both groups.
The result of the final test and surveys of this experiment is as follows:
First, the group "A" with a Korean assistant and worksheet with a Korean translation had more effective result in achieving their learning goals.
Second, the CBI English learning program helped the Group "A" students to be more interested in the lesson and led them to higher participation in their learning activities with the help of a Korean assistant and worksheet.
Third, the CBI English learning program effected a better understanding of the lessons in the group "A" with the help of a Korean assistant and worksheet.
Fourth, the students in the Group "B" with no help of a Korean teacher showed a higher demand of Korean language in order to help themselves better understand the contents of lessons than those in the Group "A".
In conclusion as this study has resulted in the above-listed findings, the CBI English learning program is a good and effective program for the students to learn English. And more importantly it can be even more effective method of English learning under "co-teaching" situation with a help of Korean teacher in the classroom.
In sum, the CBI method is a very useful way for effective learning of communicative English skills. Its effectiveness, when this method is combined with a help of a Korean assistant in the classroom could become much greater. The validity of this method combined with a "simplified co-teaching" has been proved by the achievement result test of the students in the Group "A".
