베트남인 학습자의 한국어 발음 오류 분석 및 교육방안 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this thesis is to present some effective pronunciation teaching methods of the Korean language for the Vietnamese who are learning Korean. Contrast analysis between Korean and Vietnamese is conducted in order to clarify the pronunciatio...

The purpose of this thesis is to present some effective pronunciation teaching methods of the Korean language for the Vietnamese who are learning Korean. Contrast analysis between Korean and Vietnamese is conducted in order to clarify the pronunciation errors which are made by Vietnamese Korean learners. Contrast analysis can help to predict what kinds of error they would make even though it cannot explain every error they make. Most contrast analysis studies are focused on English, Chinese, and Japanese when the nationality of foreigners in Korea are various. Therefore, this thesis can be helpful to teachers as well as Vietnamese Korean learners.
In chapter one, the previous studies of Korean education as a second language for Vietnamese are dealt with especially based on pronunciation.
In chapter two, sound systems between Korean and Vietnamese were compared so as to verify phonological characteristics of Korean and Vietnamese. Consonant and vowel systems, the syllabic structures and phonological rules are compared to predict Vietnamese learners' potential errors.
Lenes, fortes, aspirated consonants are all distinctive in Koran while voiced and voiceless are distinctive in the Vietnamese language, which makes it possible to predict that they are likely to make errors distinguishing those sounds. They would find it difficult to pronounce diphthongs because they don't have many diphthongs in Vietnamese. There is no inter-syllabic phonological rules in Vietnamese so that they would find it difficult to pronounce connected sounds based on those rules in Korean. They would make errors when they make the sound of /ㄹ/ at the syllable, which is not allowed in Vietnamese. The phoneme /ŋ/ sounds bilabial double stop when it followed rounded vowel like /u/. So, the Vietnamese are likely to make errors when they pronounce /ㅇ/ and /ㄱ/ at the end of syllable. They would find it difficult to get used to Korean intonation because Vietnamese is tone language.
In chapter three, the results of a survey and pronunciation tests are presented which were conducted on Vietnamese who are learning Korean in Korea. The questionnaire of the survey was written based on the results of contrast analysis and they were distributed to beginner, intermediate and advanced learners. The pronunciation tests was conducted in two ways - listening test and speaking test. Vietnamese leaners have difficulty in listening and speaking lenes, fortes, and aspirated values of stop, fricative and affricate consonants. They also have difficulty in pronouncing /ㅍ/ because they have Labiodental fricative /f, v/, which sound similar to bilabial stop /ㅍ/ and they don't have /ㅍ/ sound in their own language. They pronounce /w/ longer when they are supposed to pronounce diphthongs including /w/. The Vietnamese make errors when they pronounce /ㅇ/ and /ㄱ/ at the end of syllable and find it difficult to get used to Korean intonation as predicted before.
In the chapter four, some effective Korean pronunciation teaching methods for Vietnamese are presented based on the analysis of their own pronunciation errors. It deal with the pronunciations which the Vietnamese find most difficult in terms of consonants, vowels and phonological rules.
In terms of consonants, Vietnamese learners would learn how to distinguish lenes, fortes, and aspirated phonemic values with the help of their own consonants. When it comes to vowels, some drills are presented to help them practice diphthongs so that they can recognize the difference from single vowels. To help them learn inter-syllabic connected sounds, they would learn phonological rules. That is why the circumstances where those rules occur should be presented and they should be taught accordingly.
This study shows real pronunciation errors which the Vietnamese make and verifies the result of contrast analysis based on the phonology. It is one of the first steps to study Vietnamese learners so that there should be much more studies in detail. The study on tone of the Vietnamese is definitely one of them. More scientific researches should be conducted in order to analyze the intonation errors which Vietnamese learners make due to their tone.
