한국어와 중국어의 착용 관련 어휘 대조 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to find out the similarities and differences of Korean and Chinese wearing lexicon, and to help Chinese students learn how to use Korean wearing lexicon effectively and correctly, and also as a base data to help Korean stu...

The purpose of this study is to find out the similarities and differences of Korean and Chinese wearing lexicon, and to help Chinese students learn how to use Korean wearing lexicon effectively and correctly, and also as a base data to help Korean students learn how to use Chinese wearing lexicon, too. Wearing- one of the basic necessities of life and one of needs for everybody in both Korea and China. On that basis a contrastive study on the wearing lexicon between Koran and Chinese languages is researched. Reading the relative wearing lexicon of the two countries we can find the similarities. The similarities of both languages seem to have their roots in the background of Confucian ethics, etc. Basic social reasons for differences in two countries' history of social system, the differences in the development of the country and so on. The contents discussed in this study are as follows. Wearing lexicon is categorized into two major types: Target of wearing lexicon and behaviour of wearing lexicon. Targets of wearing lexicon are whole nouns that wears from head to foot, and behaviour of wearing lexicon are whole verbs that wears all over one's body. Wearing lexicon is divided according to body site, right away 1) head face site, 2) hand arm site, 3) body trunk site, 4) foot leg site and 5) boundary site. It is well-known that Korean behaviour of wearing is changed by body site. By means of observation and study, the Korean behaviour of wearing is not only changed by body site but also changed by type of target of wearing or method of wearing. Behaviour of wearing selection and method of wearing features are correlated and interact on each other, sort out of their relationships so that Korean students are clear at a glance. I think this result is the thesis' largest achievement. In summary and conclusion, the tables of verbs regarding Korean behaviour of wearing and Chinese behaviour of wearing shows us the similarities and the differences between these two countries. So it contributes to Korean learners for their. Finally, I think that the direction and result of the contrastive study on the wearing lexicon between Korean and Chinese languages will have to be examined after the rivalry comes to end completely.
