태국인 한국어 학습자의 성취도와 과제에 따른 의사소통 전략 사용 양상 비교 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this thesis is to examine communication strategies of Thai Koreanstudents in Korean language, with the target group being Thai students studying Koreanas their major whose proficiency level is intermediate. The population sample used in...

The purpose of this thesis is to examine communication strategies of Thai Koreanstudents in Korean language, with the target group being Thai students studying Koreanas their major whose proficiency level is intermediate. The population sample used inthis experiment included 23 selected fourth year university students, majoring in Koreanlanguage from a university in Thailand. The sample population had different languageexpertise and was divided into three groups according to their language achievementlevel: high level, medium level and low level. There were three tasks, which wereespecially designed for this experiment including defining vocabularies, story telling andtelling story from a given story board and pictures. The researcher videotaped theprocess for the purpose of research and analysis and each task was supervised by aKorean lecturer. The result of the individual students were analyzed and examined.
In order to reach its purpose, the research is structured as follows. Chapter onediscusses the purpose and the significance of the research, as well as the literaturereviews. Regarding the existing literature reviews, the researcher has found that for thetechniques of communication, most of the existing researches were conducted byWestern scholars, with the focus on English as a second language. Regarding theresearch on communication strategies that focuses on Korean as the second language,the researcher has found that most of the researches were conducted by Japanese andEnglish scholars more than other nationalities. For the research relating to this subjectthat uses Thai students as the sample population, the researcher has found that it hasnever been conducted before. Therefore, based on this perception, the researcherconcludes this first chapter with the problem statement.
In chapter two, three major theoretical frameworks are discussed. The chapter startswith defining the method of communication, follows by identifying the type of differentstrategies used in communication. In addition, it looks at the different factors, whichinfluence the individual’s perception and selection of using different strategy for thepurpose of communicating in Korean as a second language.
Chapter three describes and illustrates the methodology and the process of theconducted research. The outline of the method used, as described in this chapter, is asfollowed. Firstly, the researcher selected the sample population and collected informationregarding the strategies of communication. Secondly, the researcher constructed ascenario for the sample population concentrating on three tasks including definingvocabularies, story telling and telling story from a given storyboard and pictures, whichwere made particularly for this research. After the results were collected, the researcherused the finding to improve the research equipment including the general equipment andthe structure of the research.
In chapter four, the researcher discusses the result of the research and themethodology. In this research, the researcher uses two types of methodology includingquantitative and qualitative. For quantitative method, the researcher has found that thesample population selected the use of confronting the challenge rather than denying thecontest. When the researcher divided the sample population according to their languageexpertise, the researcher has found that students with high level in Korean languagetend to use fewer strategies of communication in comparison to students in the lowlevel. This result is as expected and in line with other existing researches. When theresults are analyzed in accordance to their task, the results illustrated that the samplepopulation selected their method of communication in respond to the different task. Forinstance, for the task of defining vocabularies, the sample population used morestrategies than other tasks. This maybe because for this task, students are required toexplain the vocabularies by using proper grammar and personal skills to ensure that theKorean instructor understands perfectly what vocabulary the students were trying toexplain. For the task of story telling, students were given the story in Thai to memorizeand recite the story in Korean. For this task, as the sample population is able tomemorize the story in Thai and recite it back in Korean, students did not have to usespecific language strategies, as the first task. The last task is telling story from a givenstory board and pictures. In this task, the sample population required to tell the storyfrom a given pictures and link each picture to make a story. This task, while requiredthe story telling strategy, did not require other particular type of skills. Therefore, doesnot require specific skills as the first task.
Chapter five describes the results of the research for the purpose of furtherdevelopment and improvement of teaching Korean to Thai students, as well as providingsuggestion for further studies. Although the teaching of Korean language in Thailandhas been on-going for the past twenty years, undeniably, the success of such teachingcould be improved, as the proficiency of using Korean as a second language is not asengaging as many would have hoped. With the rising popularity of Korean language,the need for improvement in the field of teaching this language is important for Thaistudents to effectively communicate in Korean. The researcher hopes that this researchwill be beneficial for improving the teaching and learning of Korean language inThailand, as this research can be used as a foundation for those interested in conductingfuture research on this subject.
