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한국어 교육기관의 조직효과성 평가모형 개발에 관한 연구 : 계층분석절차(AHP) 기법을 적용하여 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study proposes an evaluation model to maximize the organizational effectiveness of Korean language education institutes. The study is designed for government officials in charge of Korean language education policy as well as the heads of Korean l...

This study proposes an evaluation model to maximize the organizational effectiveness of Korean language education institutes. The study is designed for government officials in charge of Korean language education policy as well as the heads of Korean language education institutes in universities who must approach issues from a policy making viewpoint.
This evaluation model presents a direction toward developing an elite education of the Korean language. Developing an evaluation model and evaluation components are necessary to complement the problems of Korean language education policy.
This study presents the structure of an evaluation model, to develop a set of evaluation components and a comprehensive evaluation model that can assess the organizational effectiveness of Korean language education institutes by adopting a competing values approach as a theoretical base. Then, using a pairwise comparison in the Analytical Hierarchy Process, the study shows how the relative degree of importance is different from the comprehensive degree of importance in the evaluation area, evaluation theme, and evaluation item of each evaluation component, as viewed through a survey of experts.
The evaluation model of a Korean language education institute is based on the organizational effectiveness of a competing values approach and has four evaluation areas, 12 evaluation themes, and 36 evaluation components.
The three expert groups rated "the nature of education and customer satisfaction" highest in the four evaluation areas, followed by the infrastructure of the organization (the stability of an organization and balance). For the comprehensive degree of importance in the evaluation themes, "customer support and system management" was rated highest, followed by "service responding to customer demands", and "human resources management." For the comprehensive degree of importance in the evaluation items, the evaluation items above were rated high.
For the degree of importance in the evaluation areas overall, the organizational structure of a Korean language education institute should emphasize the relationship between the organization and human beings rather then putting more emphasis on the organization. The organization should consider most important the students and staff who directly influence the success or failure of education and have more flexibility in the organizational structure. Korean language education institutes should be aware of the value of customers and should have customer satisfaction and support as a major goal to survive as an effective organization. Also, for developing an elite education in a Korean language institute, the organization should promote the stability of the status of educators and an excellent infrastructure establishment. This emphasis will result in the satisfaction of overseas students and a higher quality of education.
An organized system, a variety of study programs development, and management should be preceded to satisfy overseas students. Korean language education institutes can then increase organizational effectiveness, which is a major challenging task.
The various models used in university evaluations do not have a strong theoretical basis, and there has been no evaluation model for Korean language education institutes. This study illustrates a framework of an evaluation model based on a theoretical basis on the organizational effectiveness of a Korean language education institute.
This study shows a framework for a university to become internationalized through the organizational effectiveness evaluation of a Korean language education institute. This study also provides a foundation for a university to raise the quality of education and success by the promotion of Korean linguistics and research by professors, enhancement of elite education, self-development of faculty and establishment of professionalism, cultivating leadership, provision of excellent education facilities, and the offering of the best service to overseas students. These goals can bring a successful outcome in education.
Successful organizational effectiveness suggests three important points: developing the responsibilities of Korean language education institutes, second, countermeasures in Korean language education institutes, and third, providing an opportunity to conduct self-assessment, providing various services and information to overseas students.
For developing the organizational effectiveness of Korean language education institutes, this study serves as a basis in securing an elite education in a Korean language education institute, and it will contribute to university competitiveness.
