개별화교육프로그램(IEP)을 활용한 다문화가정 자녀의 한국어 교육 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to present individualized education strategies based on the present Korean education for the children from the multi-cultural families in the public education system. As our society has been changing into multi-cultu...

The purpose of this study is to present individualized education strategies based on the present Korean education for the children from the multi-cultural families in the public education system.

As our society has been changing into multi-cultural one, there has been much interest in the education for the children from multi-cultural families. They have various levels of Korean proficiency and educational needs, and thus, it is necessary for them to have an individualized education program(IEP). However, there have not been studies on IEP for them. This study explores Korean education strategies for the children from muli-cultural families utilizing IEP.
The second chapter examines individualized education program(IEP)s. The purpose of IEP is to offer appropriate education programs for students with various backgrounds that meet their unique needs. Applying IEP to Korean education will secure systemicity and consistency in education.
The third chapter explores the present status of Korean classes run for the children from multi-cultural families and that of individualized education in Korean classes.
The fourth chapter discusses two linguistic characteristics of the children from multi-cultural families and four patterns of Korean education in accordance with the characteristics. In addition, it shows utilizing individualized education strategies and examples of IEP for the children from multi-cultural families as well.
Based on the discussion above, this study will make a contribution to activating studies on individualized education for the children from multi-cultural families.
