한국어와 중국어의 어순 대비 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The main concern of this dissertation is to contrast the word order difference between Korean and Chinese and to make some suggestions for helping the students in the beginning level internalize Chinese word order. In recent years, Chinese return...

The main concern of this dissertation is to contrast the word order difference between Korean and Chinese and to make some suggestions for helping the students in the beginning level internalize Chinese word order.
In recent years, Chinese return students coming into Korea are more and more. The two language both have differences and similarities. Because the difference of the two word orders, the Chinese students who are learning Korean grammar will come across many difficulties.
In the light of the linguistic typology, Korean is SOV type, Chinese is SVO and SOV type. Chinese word order is much fixed, since the word order of the Chinese determine meaning. On the other side, Korean word order is relatively free because of a case system. Free word order of constituents in basic word order is defined as a scrambling. Although Korean word order is free, there are so many constituents can not change. So, the first thing is to analyze and compare the Korean and Chinese basic word order. And then, I will find some Korean word order which is not free, for example, Korean word order of verb-final is strict. The attributive and the adverbial adjunct always precedes the head word. An object usually precedes the predicate verb and so on. According this I will compare the Korean and Chinese word order. To the contrary, word order of objects determine meaning in Chinese. In Korean scrambling is also allow in the internal structure of nominal modifiers and all nominal modifiers precede nouns.
Grammatically word order plays the main role in the Chinese language. Word order is extremely important since words and sentence element in a sentence must be combined and placed according to a certain order.
Like the fact mentioned above, there are many difference between Chinese and Korean in word order. Chinese students study Korean as a foreign language, and especially the students in the beginning level have difficulty in learning Chinese word order because of mother tongue interference.
Therefore, it is suggested that emphasis should be put on the student centered learning based on the contrastive and comparative study between native language and target language. That is not only meaningful for the Chinese students but also the Korean students.
