초급 한국어 어휘 교육을 위한 보조 자료 활용 방안 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This research is to show the importance of vocabulary in Korean education and to suggest using supporting data in order to improve learners' vocabulary and understanding of their study. The positive effects of the plan are that the usage of supporting...

This research is to show the importance of vocabulary in Korean education and to suggest using supporting data in order to improve learners' vocabulary and understanding of their study. The positive effects of the plan are that the usage of supporting data can help improve participation rather than one way teaching just to give vocabulary knowledge, and also one can learn not by simply memorizing, but by natural understanding.
In order to maximize educational effect, the research makes two method. The first one is that one should connect characteristics of a word with features of supporting data. The other is to use four steps which are 【introduction-presentation and interpretation-practice(morphologic, semantic)-conclusion】.
To understand the proposal, we first studied the importance of vocabulary education and the process each steps. Also we analyzed words from textbook which is the most popular method for learners because we found that students apply the words from the textbook in their real life. We categorized words from Korean text by superordinate and subordinate meanings and through this task we suggest concrete plan for vocabulary education by using the supporting data.
Preparing the supporting data, teachers should make efforts and considerate decisions, and need to find the most effective method by choosing proper data. Also teachers should connect semantic practices with supporting data rather just to present the data. The vocabulary education, therefore, needs to go through systematic process to make students understand the exact meaning and usage of each vocabulary
The preparation is the result of teacher's effort, and a survey shows that even though teachers recognize the necessity of supporting data, they are having a hard time preparing. These teachers insist the needs of the web-site and making and selling products that they could purchase as supporting data. The solution needs to be made for in fields of Korean education as well as vocabulary education.
The proposed plan for using supporting data in this research is a approach to recognize the needs of vocabulary education from the various sides, and to develop various and effective plan for vocabulary education. We are expecting to see other research for the plan in the future.
