한국어의 간섭으로 인한 영어 발음 오류와 발음 지도 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

In English teaching, Korean students are liable to make errors in pronunciation while studying English as a target language. This phenomenon are caused by the different sound systems of the two languages. The purpose of this thesis was to find out th...

In English teaching, Korean students are liable to make errors in pronunciation while studying English as a target language. This phenomenon are caused by the different sound systems of the two languages.
The purpose of this thesis was to find out the various types of pronunciation errors in English made by Korean students. This study attempted to analyze different types of pronunciation errors in accordance with several categories, and suggested how to teach without such problems.
Korean students often commit errors in the pronunciation of English for the reasons given below:
1. There exist differences in phonological structure between Korean and English so Korean students often commit errors in their English pronunciation.
2. Korean students encounter a totally unfamiliar syllable structure in English. They tend to apply Korean syllable structures to English pronunciation.
3. Korean students tend to unconsciously transfer phonological rules of Korean to English, thus committing errors in pronouncing English.
Therefore, English teachers should teach English, aware of the sound systems of the two languages, and they should contract the two sound systems of the basis of articulatory phonetics.
Pronunciation practice should not be restricted to drill the correct articulation of segmental levels, but extended to teach natural pronunciation in context. In this study, several activities are suggested to teach English pronunciation within a framework in which language is a means of communication teaching of pronunciation as communication.
Errors can be fixed through teachers' enthusiastic efforts: Pronunciation Correction Teaching Method and other activities would be helpful in classroom activities. This thesis emphasizes the exact understanding of the differences between of the target language and the source language along with the effective care of the classroom instructor. The teacher should bear in mind that pronunciation cannot be improved without constant practice. I really hope that this would be a help in pronunciation classes.
