한국어의 조건 표현 연결어미 ‘-면, -거든, -어야’ 연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study compared and contrasted the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features in ‘-Myeon,' '-Geodeun,' and '-Eoya’ in conditional conjunctive endings. Chapter 2 examined subject constraint, sentential type constraint, pre-final ending in ten...

This study compared and contrasted the syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic features in ‘-Myeon,' '-Geodeun,' and '-Eoya’ in conditional conjunctive endings.
Chapter 2 examined subject constraint, sentential type constraint, pre-final ending in tense, and negative sentence constraint in ‘-Myeon, -Geodeun, -Eoya.’
Chapter 3 tried to analyze the semantic difference by analyzing semantic feature in ‘-Myeon,' '-Eoya’ and '-Geodeun,' which belong to conditional conjunctive endings.
Chapter 4 collected the actual discourse materials that the conditionals in ‘-Myeon, '-Geodeun,' and '-Eoya' are used. And, the intention was analyzed, which the speaker uses the conditional in the actual discourse based on the speech act. Thus, the discourse feature in conditionals was analyzed. By analyzing conditionals in the discourse, a few features could be elicited.
The ‘-Myeon' conditional in the discourse reveals the speaker's intention relatively neutrally. And, given being realized with the directives that an opinion is suggested, a conditional clause is added. Thus, there was a discourse feature that can deliver the opinion in self politely so that the counterpart cannot feel burdensome.
'-Geodeun' was much used mostly in the directives as having been indicated in the syntactic feature. However, when '-Geodeun' conditional is realized with the indirect speech act in the actual discourse analysis, it was indicated to be characteristic to have indirectly presented emotion with the locutionary expressive with the intention that reveals emotion in self, rather than the directive. When '-Geodeun' conditional becomes locutionary with the direct speech act, it is mostly realized with the directive. However, when '-Geodeun' conditional becomes locutionary with the indirect speech act, it was indicated to be characteristic to be realized mostly with the expressive that shows the speaker's negative emotion.
As for '-Eoya,' the imperative type and temptation type cannot come in the accompanying clause, but in the actual discourse situation, there are many cases that are realized with the directive. When '-Eoya' is used in giving an advice or counsel to the counterpart in actual discourse, it was used when emphasizing the opinion in self.
Given seeing a situation that each conditional conjunctive ending is used, the conditional conjunctive ending was indicated to be also different when the speaker is older than the listener, when the speaker is similar to the listener, and the speaker is younger than the listener. This pragmatic information needs to be presented together when suggesting grammar.
The conjunctive-ending education as Korean-language grammar education includes the educational contents that thoroughly cover the Korean-language communication function sphere and the Korean-language knowledge sphere. In other words, it needs to be educated all the content elements in Korean-language knowledge on syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic category as the linguistic form, and the content elements in communication function for producing conjunction that the conjunctive ending was realized.
The educational goal is thought to be possibly not achieved until the conjunctive-ending education can deepen a learner's knowledge on grammar and can be applied and produced up to the actual communication situation through the proper text and the problem-solution situation, and assignment activity amid the certain system in communication sphere as for the systematic and graded content knowledge for learners of Korean language.
