
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25

本论文以“从功效翻译实际剖析现代中国文学译本翻译战略一以黑马的《混在北京》为例”为题,测验考试从德国功效翻译实际的角度动身,对中国现代作家黑马的著作《混在北京》的德语译本停止翻译批驳,重点提取译文中异常具有中国文明特点的辞汇、鄙谚等作为研究对象,略论译者的翻译战略。原作品者黑马在《混在北京》一书顶用纪实笔法真实再现了改造开放后、九十年月初一批外省常识份子北漂的故事。小说的主人公们都在领导出书社任务,住在单元的宿舍里一长安街边上一座年久掉修的老筒子楼里。全书腔调轻松、滑稽,说话尖酸、俏皮,作者在恼怒怒骂中娓娓道出小常识份子为了在社会上争得一席之地的辛酸故事。细不雅源文,个中涌现了年夜量特定汗青配景下的特别辞汇、四字成语、平易近间鄙谚等等,这对译者的翻译任务来讲是不小的挑衅。德国有名汉学家、哥廷根年夜学汉学系传授歌林德·吉尔特(Gerlinde Gild),作为该著的译者,在翻译进程根本坚持了原著的故事架构,德语论文题目,采取了多种翻译战略,奇妙地向德国读者再现原著的情面百态。本论文重要将从功效翻译学角度动身,从原著和译著中抽取相干语料停止比对、剖析,总结译者的翻译战略。本论文共分为引言、注释、停止语和参考书目四部门。引言部门引见论文的选题缘由、研究现状、研究价值和研究办法等。注释部门共分为三部门:第一部门重要论述本论文的实际基本一功效翻译实际,重点在于功效翻译实际中费米尔的目标论(Skopostheorie)和诺德的文献型翻译法与对象型翻译法。第二部门将对《混在北京》的原著及作者、德语译著及译者停止扼要引见。第三部门是本论文的主体,德语毕业论文,笔者将从《混在北京》的原著与译著中提取语料、停止分类整顿,并依照第一部门的实际对译文停止实例剖析、归结译者的翻译战略。停止语部门,笔者对整篇论文的写作目标、写作进程、心得领会等等,停止冗长的总结。


In this paper, the "from the functional translation theory analysis de versions of modern Chinese literature translation strategy a to the dark horse of the mixed in Beijing," for example "in the title, the examination from Germany effect translation theoretical point of view, the works of modern Chinese writers' dark horse" mixed in Beijing, "the German translation translation criticism, focusing on the extraction translation anomalies with Chinese culture characteristics of vocabulary, vulgar proverb and so on as the research object, analysis the translator's translation strategy. The original author of the dark horse in the story of "mixed in Beijing," a book with documentary writing true representation of the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, ninety years, the first batch of Provincial Intellectual drift. Protagonists in the novel are in the leadership of the publishing house, living in a flat for the dormitory on a Chang'an Street a fallen out repair old Tongzilou. The book's tone relaxed, funny, sharp tongued, witty, the author in the angry defy in meanders out small common member in order to win a place in the community of the sad story. Fine indecent source text, medium emerge Nianye amount of specific historical background of special speech sinks, four character idioms, plain near the inter proverb and so on, which on the translator in the translation task is no small challenge. Germany famous sinologist, G? Ttingen University hanxuexi impart Corind Geert (gerlinde gild), as a translator of the, in the translation process simply insist on the original story structure, adopt various translation strategies, wonderful to German readers reproduced the original sensibilities condition. The important from the functional translation study angle set out, from the original and translated extract coherent corpus stop comparison, analysis, summary of the translator's translation strategy. This paper is divided into introduction, notes and bibliography four, stop language department. The introduction part introduced the research reason, research status, research value and research methods etc.. Comment department is divided into three parts: the first part discusses the actual basic function translation theory, with emphasis on functional translation practice in Vermeer's goal theory (skopos) and Nord's documentary translation method and translation method. The second departments will be "mixed in Beijing" and the original author, the translator and the German translation brief stop. The third sector is the main body of this thesis, the author will from the mixed in Beijing "and original translations extracted from corpus, stop the classification of rectification, and in accordance with the first part of the actual translation to stop the instance analysis, attributed the translator's translation strategy. The end, the author of the thesis writing process, writing objectives, experience and so on, stop the lengthy summary.

