
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



In the economic globalization today, from all civilized people contacts in various fields are becoming more and more frequent. During the period of civilization collision unavoidable. It is the action oriented system of a civilized group, which has decided and influenced the action method of each member of the civilized group, and the most important one is the scale of civilization value. The value of civilization is the civilization of the members of the group members of the cultural value orientation, to help them build a cross cultural scene, and he I stop cross civilization action, in a way to be received by the community to judge the cultural scene. From the perspective of cross civilization, as the carrier of civilization, the talk is regarded as a kind of speech act, which also directly receives the influence and restriction of the civilization and the value of civilization. In cross - cultural diplomacy, verbal language, especially the length of verbal language (and important body language, facial expressions, gestures) the success of cross cultural diplomacy plays a quite important role, extremely easy to cause cross cultural conflicts. In the cross cultural scene, the members of the different civilizations in the scale of their own civilization and the action of civilization members of his contacts, resulting in a variety of cultural conflict. Each civilization has its own unique differences, such differences are the most important factors that lead to cross cultural conflicts. To understand, to know, to understand, to agree with this type of civilization and the scale of the action orientation of each civilization is the fundamental element of the success of the cross civilization. This article tries to take Sino German civilization and speak as an example, compared with the most likely to lead to Sino German cultural and cultural diplomacy in the conflict between China and Germany in action, from the perspective of cross civilization to explain the interaction between civilization and speaking. The three main practical aspects of this thesis are the civilization, the talk and the cross civilization. It is the academic starting point of this paper and the author take the Sino German civilization and speak as the breakthrough point to analyze the interaction between civilization and speech. In this paper, the author first from the interaction between the actual level of civilization, and civilization of the three cross talk, then from the aspect of theory in detail, and the relationship between value of German speaking talk value represents the actual level and cross-cultural aspects of the relationship between speaking and civilization of the first chapter, speak civilization and cross civilization, that is to speak the carrier of civilization, speak civilization value, speak with civilization in interaction, mutual influence, each other cannot disconnect; the second chapter in Sino German values and speak as an example to elaborate the relationship values and talk and talk with the representation level values; the third chapter in German speaking and civilization is the cross civilization were discussed in detail.; the fourth chapter of German civilization and speak stop comparing analysis, which summed up again and the cross civilization civilization, speaking of the three Interactive relations and the formation of cross cultural achievements of the reasons; the fifth chapter in the speech and cross civilization under the framework of a few points to prevent cross talk of civilization conflict.

