
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Pure economic loss is a comparative concept of law, along with the ceaseless development of the market economy and gradually aroused people's concern, in the continental law system and Anglo American law system countries have relatively deep discussion. Because of the market economy in our country started late, development is not perfect, the international academic research present on this achievement is still at the lower stage. This paper intended to create their own deeply influence to our country of Germany, in the form of Germany for reference, shelter in the existing law, I discuss the public law within the framework of pure economic loss results cover form. This paper is divided into six departments. First part is about the overview of pure economic loss, the important from the definition of the concept, types and characteristics of the three aspects of stop interpretation, further clarify the pure economic loss of the concept of intrinsic and connotation, and the pure economic loss of definition. The second part focuses on the introduction of German tort law general rescue and special way of take two aspects of content, through the process of Germany form about pure economic loss of research achievements of the rescue, for our country about pure economic loss of relief supplies valuable reference. The third sector chapeau combing the currently our current law about pure economic loss cover standards of justice and list the classic case of judicial practice, to have a cause of the eve of the familiar to cover our current on the results. The fourth part is important expounded on pure economic loss of the cover of the actual, which means that we to distinguish the power and benefits cover condition, is in detail from the German public power and benefit to identify actual and our country of pure economic loss through the process of "good" cover the feasibility argumentation stop. The Fifth Department is located in chapter introduces and analyzes in our country about pure economic loss limit considerations of shrinking cover identity to complete in our current law cover of pure economic loss and co-ordinate the movement of people and comfortable double value. The sixth part for the first part, elaborated in the back basically put forward the disposal of the pure economic loss results suggested, to through process organized cover form construction completed in our country about the pure economic loss of the shrinkage limit cover of target.


中文摘要   4-5   Abstract   5-6   前言   9-10   一、纯粹经济损失概述   10-15       (一)纯粹经济损失的概念界定   10-12           1.纯粹经济损失的概念   10-11           2.纯粹经济损失与相关概念的区别   11-12       (二)纯粹经济损失的特征   12-13       (三)纯粹经济损失的类型   13-15           1.反射损失   13           2.转移损失   13-14           3.因公共场所、运输通道和公用设施关闭造成的损失   14           4.基于对特定信息披露内容的信赖而发生的损失   14           5.因对专业服务或建议的信赖而发生的损失   14-15   二、德国模式下关于纯粹经济损失问题的处理   15-22       (一)德国侵权法的一般处理模式   15-18           1.《德国民法典》第 823 条第 1 款   15-16           2.《德国民法典》第 823 条第 2 款   16-17           3.《德国民法典》第 826 条   17-18       (二)特别方法的采用   18-22           1.利益的权利化   18-20           2.契约责任的扩张   20-22   三、我国纯粹经济损失的保护近况   22-27       (一)我国的立法近况   22-24           1.《民法通则》的相关规定   22-23           2.《侵权责任法》的相关规定   23           3.其他法学法规、司法解释的规定   23-24       (二)我国的司法实践   24-27           1.重庆电缆案   25           2.《山西日报》巨额赔偿案   25-26           3.王保富诉三信律师事务所财产损害赔偿纠纷案   26-27   四、纯粹经济损失保护的理论基础:权利与利益区分保护   27-33       (一)德国法上的权利与利益区分理论   27-28       (二)我国对纯粹经济损失通过“利益”保护的可行性   28-33           1.我国权益区分理论的司法运用   29-30           2.借鉴德国法,解释适用《侵权责任法》一般条款   30-33   五、纯粹经济损失限缩保护的政策考量因素   33-37       (一)行为自由的保护   33-34       (二)避免诉讼泛滥   34       (三)避免加害人承担过重的责任   34-35       (四)社会应忍受之事   35-37   六、我国纯粹经济损失保护模式的建议思路   37-42       (一)第一层次:其他法学有特别规定的,依照其规定   37-38       (二)第二层次:因过错违反保护他人之法学,致人损害   38       (三)第三层次:故意违背善良风俗致人损害   38-39       (四)第四层次:因过失引起的纯粹经济损失之救济   39-42   结语   42-43   参考文献   43-47  
