
资料分类免费德语论文 责任编辑:茜茜公主更新时间:2017-05-25



Behavior oriented is the German vocational education category in the dominant position of the teaching thought, it will teaching and task process approached up, so that learners can perhaps in theory through the acts of the process itself to study. The selection and application of teaching media is a key link in the process of designing behavior oriented teaching. In order to reach the vocational education professor's professional behavior to the teaching objectives, teaching should choose suitable teaching media joint venture behavior oriented teaching process, which reach the most of the eve of the teaching effects. So in the choice of media to behavior oriented teaching process in accordance with the request, a profound analysis of the teaching media and the teaching process of each constitute between departments of the connotation of contact, through research to remind medium the essence of the discipline. Based on the analysis of the results of the research and development of a large number of research results, the development of a set of action oriented teaching process in the media selection and use of methods. This set of measures from the five aspects of the duty of teaching, teaching content, teaching situation, teaching methods, teaching information, through process invention result and problem analysis and processing result of process, system analysis of the teaching media, especially ancient teaching media and professional teaching the relationship between the behavior oriented teaching process. The interest of modern teaching media in the large arouse the learners may automatically intervene to the teaching process. Teaching media not only can be considered that the learners of different types of invention of learning situation, enhance the learning control of different types of knowledge, skills. It may also be that the teaching and learning to provide a large amount of the teaching of teaching capital, for their choice of application. In addition, through the process in the theoretical experience of Germany and German joint teaching media exploited examples, further explained the future teaching media in the process of task oriented career guidance teaching in the process of the growth of bias, so that the media use perhaps natural transition to the process of task oriented teaching in the process of teaching.


中文摘要   3-4   ABSTRACT   4   第一章 绪论   8-15       1.1 探讨背景   8-9           1.1.1 信息社会中的职业教育   8-9           1.1.2 新环境下职业教育面临的机遇与挑战   9       1.2 探讨综述   9-12           1.2.1 国外探讨综述   9-11           1.2.2 国内探讨综述   11-12       1.3 探讨意义   12-13           1.3.1 探讨的理论意义   12           1.3.2 探讨的实践意义   12-13       1.4 探讨内容与探讨措施   13-15           1.4.1 论文框架   13           1.4.2 探讨内容   13-14           1.4.3 探讨措施   14-15   第二章 职业教育中的行动导向教学过程   15-25       2.1 行动导向教学过程的涵义   15-17           2.1.1 行动导向教学过程的概念   15           2.1.2 行动导向教学过程的准则和特征   15-17       2.2 行动导向教学过程的理论基础   17-20           2.2.1 教育学基础   17-18           2.2.2 心理学基础   18-20       2.3 行动导向教学过程的模型   20-21           2.3.1 完整行动模式   20           2.3.2 行动导向教学过程的步骤   20-21       2.4 行动导向教学过程的措施   21-25           2.4.1 项目教学法   21-22           2.4.2 引导文教学法   22           2.4.3 案例教学法   22-23           2.4.4 角色扮演法   23-25   第三章 职业教育中的教学媒体   25-32       3.1 教学媒体的涵义   25-27           3.1.1 教学媒体的概念   25           3.1.2 教学媒体的发展   25-26           3.1.3 教学媒体的分类   26-27       3.2 教学媒体的理论基础   27-28           3.2.1 信息学基础   27           3.2.2 传播学基础   27-28       3.3 教学媒体的特征和影响   28-32           3.3.1 教学媒体的特征   28-30           3.3.2 教学媒体的影响   30-32   第四章 行动导向教学过程中的媒体运用措施   32-43       4.1 教学媒体的选择模型   32-34       4.2 略论教学系统   34-36           4.2.1 关于教学任务的略论   34-35           4.2.2 关于教育者、学习者的略论   35-36       4.3 优化教学内容   36-37           4.3.1 基于学习领域的教学内容   36-37           4.3.2 利用教学媒体优化教学内容   37       4.4 创建教学情境   37-40           4.4.1 教学情境的影响   38           4.4.2 教学媒体与教学情境的创建   38-40       4.5 选择教学措施   40-41           4.5.1 行动导向教学措施的选择准则   40-41           4.5.2 教学媒体与教学措施的整合   41       4.6 处理教学信息   41-43           4.6.1 教学信息的反馈及其功能   41-42           4.6.2 教学媒体与教学资源   42-43   第五章 教学媒体的实践近况与发展方向   43-47       5.1 教学媒体在职业教育领域中的实践近况   43-44       5.2 教学媒体在职业教育领域中的发展方向   44       5.3 运用于汽车安装培训过程的多媒体教学系统   44-47           5.3.1 虚拟安装多媒体教学系统的运用意义   45           5.3.2 虚拟安装多媒体教学系统的设计过程   45-47   第六章 结论   47-50       6.1 主要结论   47-48       6.2 问题与不足   48-49       6.3 探讨展望   49-50   参考文献   50-54   致谢   54  
