[英语论文] 采用多种教学措施,培养学生学习兴趣
一、采用多种教学措施,培养学生学习兴趣 课堂教学是实施素质教育的主阵地,要取得良好的教学效果,除了确立与素质教育要求相适应的教学目标、教学准则外,最根本的就是采用...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:136 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 小学生英语教学中课堂语感培养措施
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:67 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 游戏教学法怎么应用到小学英语课堂中
小学英语课堂游戏教学法的主要形式 小学英语课堂中,要提高学生的学习效率,离不开好的教学措施。游戏教学能有效地调动学生学习的积极性,激发学生学习的兴趣。一个好的游戏...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:184 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 小学英语教学课程中分班模式的运用实践
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:192 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 小学英语教学之游戏运用探讨
Chapter One Introduction 1.1The Motivation of the Study Nowadays it has become an indisputable fact that students have to face heavy academicburden. On different occasions and at different times, the leader of the Education appealed torel...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:187 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 积极心理法在小学英语教学之运用探讨
第一节探讨缘起 一、基础教育课程改革的时代呼唤 21世纪是知识经济迅速发展的世纪,是教育理念急剧变革的世纪,是世界范围内教育人发展的世纪。21世纪的人才不但需要丰富的科...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:55 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 小学高班级英语写作教学问题与对策概述
(一)探讨背景与意义 《义务教育课程标准》(2017 年)明确提出:写是小学英语教学的基本技能之一,小学生在高年级时写的技能应达到二级水平。具体的要求是“能正确的使用大...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:185 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 在小学英语课间教学之培养幼儿语音理念探讨
Chapter One Introduction 1.1Reasons for carrying out the present study With the rapid development of international exchange, English has become anessential tool for communicating among people from different nations and regions. Itis taugh...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:73 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 马承“三位一体”语音教育理念在小学英语教育之实践探讨
1.1The Necessity and Importance of the Research As for China's primary school English teaching at the present time, while the teachinglevels are continuous improving, some problems have been exposed for the backwardness ofpronunciation te...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:167 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 非言语交际在小学英语教学中的应用
On Nonverbal Communication in Primary English Teaching Abstract English teaching serves the verbal communication. The instructional information and knowledge are not only conveyed by the verbal language, but also by the nonverbal language...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:178 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 幼儿英语口语教学的措施和技巧
Abstract Based on the problems of oral English teaching to children, the author thinks it is a pressing issue to solve these. After looking over a number of relative materials, the author thinks it is the best way to solve these from chil...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:95 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 小学英语教学中教师的角色位置
Abstract:In one’s colorful social life, each person has played a certain role and has a status and has a great capacity in various social groups. Teachers have occupied an important position and have taken on the role of “preaching, i...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:150 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 略论多媒体辅助小学英语教学的优势
On Application of Multimedia in Primary English Teaching Abstract The ultimate and permanent goal of English teaching is to enable students to acquire the ability to communicate in English. However, it is very hard for the English teacher...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:99 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 激发小学生学习英语的兴趣
Abstract:In one’s colorful social life, each person has played a certain role and has a status and has a great capacity in various social groups. Teachers have occupied an important position and have taken on the role of “preaching, i...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:64 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 学前幼儿英语口语教学浅析Oral English Teaching to Pre
摘 要:在略论了当代幼儿英语教学中的近况和问题后,笔者认为迫切需要找到一条适合学前幼儿教育的道路。在查阅大量相关资料后,笔者认为从幼儿心理入手来解决这些问题是最好...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:136 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] The Application of Body Language in Elementary School English Teaching
The Application of Body Language in Elementary School English Teaching 1. Introduction In our society, social relationships are based on communication among people. The relationship between teacher and student also belongs to this categor...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:177 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] New English Teaching Methods in Elementary School
Abstract This paper concentrates on some new methods in elementary school English teaching. The paper is developed into two major parts. The first part says the development of English teaching in elementary school. The second part deals w...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:108 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] The Significance of Applying Body Language to English Teaching in Primary School
I.Introduction:brief introduction to body language Human communication is achieved by the verbal and the nonverbal. The non- verbal communication,body language,is such an important medium for people to communicate in their daily life beca...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:161 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 情景教学法在小学英语教学中的重要性
The Application of the Situational Teaching Method in the Elementary School Abstract Along with the development of China’s economy, English becomes more and more important in people’s daily life. The English teaching method which is u...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:113 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Heroism in American Cartoon Movie Reflected in Puss in Boots
Abstract Since the 30th in the last century, American heroism movie started to become popular. In nearly one hundred years of development of American heroism movie, American cineastes created a great number of hero images, who were prefer...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:131 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Analysis on the Differences in Culture between China and America from the Table Manners
Abstract Along with the increasing cross-cultural communications, from the official to the folk, China and America have more and more exchanges with each other. Diet is playing a significant role in the communication between China and Ame...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:141 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Study on Nepotism of American Government from The Godfather Series:Based on Mafia Perspective
Abstract Mafia, a so-called cancer of society, is spreading and infiltrating into every corner of our life. It keeps swelling its insane and powerful empire by afflicting the members and eroding the interests in society. To have the issue...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:191 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] The Oprah Winfrey Show: Factors for Success in the Current TV Talk Show
Abstract In 1984, the talk show hosted by Oprah Winfrey in Chicago WLS TV Chicago Morning quickly became famous in the United States. The following year, it changed its name to Oprah Winfrey Talk Show (also known as Oprah Winfrey Show). I...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:91 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] The Test Reliability and Validity of TEM
Abstract The Test for English Majors-Band 8 (abbreviated TEM-8) is for detecting the implementation of teaching outline of English-major undergraduate courses. It has been organized by China Education Ministry and hosted by College Foreig...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:105 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] The Enlightenment of Big Bang on Chinese Popular Science Movies
Abstract Popular science films act as an important carrier of scientific communication, with its characteristics such as various artistic means, informative points and so on, can be easily understood by the public. Compared with other for...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:180 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Political Discourse Analysis of UK Labour and Conservative Parties
The Decline of British Multiculturalism: Political Discourse Analysis of UK Labour and Conservative Parties Abstract As a country with a long history of immigration due to its colonial past and its previous status as an empire, Britain is...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:55 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Reproduction of the Order of Discourse in Political Text
Abstract This article examines how the order of discourse is reproduced in the executive summary of 2017 country reports on human rights practices. Employing the order of discourse as a general theoretical foundation and critical discours...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:171 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] A Pragmatic Analysis of “额” in Conversation Among Chinese Students
Abstract This thesis is an attempt to explore the pragmatic functions of 额 as a discourse marker in the conversation among Chinese college students. Previous studies of discourse markers in Mandarin have covered the most commonly used m...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:82 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] Study on Disney Cultural Expansion through Disney Music
Abstract Over the past few decades, Walt Disney Company exports enormous cultural products including movies, TV programs, as well as theme parks and so on. As these products become a hit, more and more people start to worry that Disney cu...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:124 所需金币:免费 -
[英语论文] 电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻略论
Abstract In contemporary society, people have become more rationalized, downplaying or ignoring faith. In a few hundred years, science has taken people farther in understanding the universe than the religion has in ten thousand years. How...
发布日期:2017-04-19 阅读次数:90 所需金币:免费