대학생과 원어민이 발화한 이중모음의 음향적 비교 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The purpose of this study is to predict errors in pronunciation caused by the difference between Korean sound systems and English sound systems and to select data necessary for helping to teach students not to make errors and to correct their speech e...

The purpose of this study is to predict errors in pronunciation caused by the difference between Korean sound systems and English sound systems and to select data necessary for helping to teach students not to make errors and to correct their speech errors.
20 college students (with more than 800 points in TOEIC) and 10 college students (with less than 700 points in TOEIC) and 4 native speakers participated in the experiment.
8 English diphthongs and 6 semi-vowel [w, y]/V sequences were recorded. They were analyzed and compared by 3 groups, including high-scored college students, low-scored college students and native speakers.
The results of this study were as follows:
(1) The English diphthongs produced by the Korean speakers are usually not diphthongs but a sequence of independent phonemes where language transfer is operating. This is because Korean phonology does not have English-like diphthongs, such as [aɪ], [eɪ], [oʊ], etc.
(2) Korean speakers made mistakes in producing [w/V] sequences, compared with those produced by English native speakers. They tended to produce the sound [w] shortly, in [w/V] sequences.
The author concluded that teachers should instruct students not to produce a sequence of independent phonemes when they pronounce the English diphthongs. One of the two vowels is strong and long, and the other is weak and short. And when producing "w/V" sequences, students should be taught to pronounce the semi-vowel [w] slightly longer.
