한국어 단위명사와 중국어 양사의 대비연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

China and South Korea all have various Classifier measure words , and they are widely used in everyday life. These classifier measure words have many differences in other aspects, besides the functional similarity, in particular the word meaning and t...

China and South Korea all have various Classifier measure words , and they are widely used in everyday life. These classifier measure words have many differences in other aspects, besides the functional similarity, in particular the word meaning and the usage difference have brought much troublesomeness for the students and teachers who study the two languages. Based on the definitions of some classifier measure words in Chinese Dictionary and Korean Dictionary, the compares 300 Korean Classifier measure words with counterpart of the Chinese classifier measure words to identify the differences between them. Expositions of mainly consists of three parts: First, through the analysis of Chinese and South Korean classifier measure word definition and classified method, the shows there exist similarities and differences in Chinese and South Korean classifier measure word definition and the classified method .The writer uses that as a base for the following contrast of the meaning and the usage of Chinese and South Korean classifier measure word. Second, through the contrast of Chinese character classifier word measure in South Korean and the corresponding Chinese classifier word measure, we can make such a summary that there are more differences than similarities between Chinese character classifier measure words used today in South Korean and the corresponding Chinese classifier measure word. Third, through the contrast of the inherent classifier measure word in South Korean and the corresponding Chinese classifier measure word ,an conclusion can be drawn that the majority of inherent classifier measure words in South Korean correspond with Chinese classifier measure words, but there are also particular classifier measure words that are unique to South Korean. So far though there are many contrast research s about Chinese and South Korean classifier measure word they involve broad areas and are not detailed enough. Therefore in order to make up this deficiency this focuses on differences of the meaning and the usage of Chinese and South Korean classifier measure word to provide some help for the people who learn and study the two languages and go great lengths to make some contribution for the Chinese and South Korea classifier measure word research.
