한●중 "의도표현"의 대조연구 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

During my studying of the second foreign language, it is inevitable for the confusion and mistake. For the learners whose mother language is Chinese, “Intention Expression” is one of the Korean grammars of the confusion and mistake. “Intention E...

During my studying of the second foreign language, it is inevitable for the confusion and mistake. For the learners whose mother language is Chinese, “Intention Expression” is one of the Korean grammars of the confusion and mistake. “Intention Expression” of Korean is very diversification and complexity, so it is very easy to confuse in the actual using. This will analyze and reorganize the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese in the field of formation process, grammar process, sentence function, moreover, in this foundation, this will compare and investigate Korean and Chinese in the field of subject definition, tense definition and object definition. Finally, we get the conclusion that in the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese, when it expresses the meaning of speaker, the subject is the first person for both Korean and Chinese; when the subject is the second person, it expresses asking for the meaning of opposite party; when the subject is the third person, it expresses extrapolation, and uses with verb; moreover, when it expresses the meaning of speaker, it is usually used in the future tense for the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese, and the object could be a verb or a verb phrase; moreover, a part of the “Intention Expression” could use with “想”、“也許、一定、將要” etc in Chinese, but the Korean could not be used in this way. In the same time, there is much distinction for the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese in the field of choosing the negative word. The Korean negative form completes through negating the verb before, but in Chinese, it usually adds a negative word “不” before the “想,要,免费韩语论文,打算”. The aim of this is to distinguish the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese according to the comparison and research; and make the learners reinforce the acquaintance of “Intention Expression” in Korean; and make the learners quickly enhance the capability of using the correct Korean “Intention Expression”, and enhance the study efficiency further. In order to accomplish the aim above, this is divided into four parts : in the first part, it demonstrates research aim, research necessity, research before and research method; in the second part, it investigates the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese in the field of derivation, significance, sentence function; in the third part, it compares and assays the “Intention Expression” between Korean and Chinese; in the fourth part, it concludes the whole .
