Generally, the terms ‘see’ and ‘sight’ are used as a synonym. According to a dictionary (Merriam Webster, 1994), ‘see’ is defined as ‘to perceive by the eye,’ ‘to perceive the meaning or importance of,’ or ‘to understand. Distinc... Generally, the terms ‘see’ and ‘sight’ are used as a synonym. According to a dictionary (Merriam Webster, 1994), ‘see’ is defined as ‘to perceive by the eye,’ ‘to perceive the meaning or importance of,’ or ‘to understand. Distinction and perception through outside information input from eyeball and information processing lead to different results depending on the conditions of agents. Just ‘to see’ is a prerequisite of, but not an equivalent to perception and understanding. Thus, strictly speaking, ‘to see’ refers to Chinses character ‘視’. Individual gap between ‘視’ and ‘覺’–colors of recognition objects and recognition agents- separate from perception of objects is a main proposition of color vision which is the focus of this study. ‘Color’ can be defined as ‘phenomenon by colors’ or ‘visual perception’ which makes an object reveal its identity distinct from others.’ Thus, colors as separate recognition object or as visual phenomenon relevant to object identity are the most important element in visual information and the basis of formative arts along with form. According to a French art historian Pierre Francastel, colors are referred to as ‘a starting point of modern art’ comparable to a cement which made modern architecture possible. Status of colors, when moving from objectivity to subjectivity and from concrete forms to abstraction, extends into that of perceptual phenomenon of the artists, symbol, and language. Colors’ way of being as a perception object is one painted over the surface or object itself. Color sense is largely divided into trichromatism, dichromatism, and monochromatism depending on types. It appears as pentachromatism at rare intervals. This study for palette composition and production focuses on color weakness in trichromatism and dichromatism. As a methodology for palette color composition, ‘Hansik color vision test plate’ colors which serves as dyschromatopsia discrimination test tool are gauged with a device and then its results are transformed into sRGB and LAB which are extracted from test type plates. These are used as a main palette for art work. Through this process, color perception or several acritochromacy decision table colors are restructured into works. In line with this context, I emphasized space theory by Henri Lefebvre saying ‘space is political.’ Henri Lefebvre argued that space is strategic and we should find traces of space formation. He also argued that space is not as identical as it seems and, as the process and results of space formation reveals itself as a specific form, the space is used as a touchstone of society contradiction analysis. Also, when we see the space as a product of history, space is viewed as a meeting point of capital and temporal-spatial plans. The space I emphasize as a main object of study is largely ‘social space.’ When he discusses space, Lefebvre tries to avoid the ambiguity of terms such as cultural space, literary space, universal space etc. By doing this, he attempts to recover them into a real space. In the preface of Production of Space, he suggests the concept more clearly. That is, a way to escape out of space concept confusion is to identify space reality which floats on air and establish it on the land we foot on. This actualization of concept is the main concept of this study. According to Heidegger(Edward Relph, Location and Location Loss, 1973), location is “a place where human existence reveals bonds with outside and humans locates themselves as a way to check the depth of human freedom and reality.” It means that humans roots themselves into their own ground including space perceived as “inhabiting space from perceived outside world.” This study focuses on color palette composition based on types of color vision and expression of social space. For the study of expression study, theoretical survey is progressed as follows. First, I investigate spatial practice, spatial representation, and representational space Lefebvre mentioned as three elements of space production. Second, I discuss production process and its context of real space I emphasized as I moved into the concept of location as a concrete space of space concept. Third, I use colors as a main method for expressing space properties and their productions. Fourth, I gauge Hansik Color Decision Table with a device and construct color DB to transform results into graphic value and apply it to the work. I compare and analyze the color properties which constitute online color vision discrimination table. Through it, I express the space as the experienced location, but not as the imaginary location. The expression of social space is an act of recording and describing the present society for me. ,韩语毕业论文,韩语论文题目 |