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생기론적 장소성과 버내큘러 디자인의 상관성 연구 (3)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Current society is heading toward conflicting direction where it is in a stark contrast. On one hand, intensive economic development and economic growth are pursued based on mechanistic world view to enjoy material affluence and convenient life. On the other hand, vitalistic paradigm shift is emphasized to recover biological natural environment and to recognize the importance of wholism where all world is connected. Mechanistic world view, based on modern technological civilization, considers nature as mechanical organization and replaceable object, and recognizes all material as tool and element for human being. Reductionism and differential analytic process divides integrated thinking and organic relationship between human and nature and then destroys life system which is intertwined as a net of relation. Modern technological civilization became a threat to all living creatures by polluting water and atmosphere, source of life, caused by reckless abuse of resource and emission of polluted materials. Over-population, caused by industrialization, is a catalyst to severe destruction of natural environment where all living creatures completely depend on. Excessive selfishness of human being became a threat to environmental destruction and human existence and was blamed as the major cause of accelerating loss of vitalistic placeness. In this context, value realignment is essential between wholism, which connects nature and human as one, and vitalistic placeness which is based on life system. Vitalism is suggested as alternative answer that overcomes the limit of modern reductionism and mechanistic thought, as a theory that takes interest on fundamental and dynamic life which is far beyond entity-centered thought. In this sense, this study examines meaning of vitalistic placeness and existential concept of placeness and analyzes correlation with vernacular design as endemic design. Thus, the direction toward recovering placeness itself has significant meaning and value. By researching correlation between vitalistic placeness and vernacular design, this study redefines related concepts and considers direction to recover fundamental placeness. Accordingly, this study examines essence of placeness that recognizes existential value and studies the life system that is internalized in nature and the principle of vitalism in life system and place. In addition, this study attempts to draw correlation between vitalistic placeness and vernacular design by analyzing concept and characteristic of vernacualr in depth as climatic design that adjusts and adopts to nature. By doing so, this study also aims to examine future value of vernacular design and define direction of spatial design to recover vitalistic placeness. Study method is as follows. First, this study examines characteristics of existing value of placeness after considering definition of place and placeness through previous studies, and phenomenologically analyzes the process of losing placeness according to development of mechanistic world view and technological civilization. Second, this study examines meaning system of vitalism that is represented in the reason's of Lao-Tzu, Chuang-tzu, Leibniz, Bergson and Deleuze, representative philosopher in life system and vitalism with the aim of understanding vitalism of placenss, also finds characterisitcs of vitalistic placeness by analayzing Heidegger, Norberg-schulz, Edward Relph in connection with concept of existing place. Third, this study examines etymological interpretation of vernacular and its internal definition and concept, also expands the concept based on vitalistic characteristic of vernacular design by analyzing human's climatic residence in-depth. Fourth, this study semantically analyzes correlation between vernacular design and vitalistic placeness and does verification based on opinion of ideologist, also defines modern value and meaning of vernacular design and suggests direction to recover vitalistic placeness. Lastly, this study summarizes correlation between vernacular design and vitalistic characteristic of placeness, represented in vitalism and life system, and predicts and evaluates possibility of recovering placeness through this study. The result of this study is summarized as below. Place refers to totality comprise of object's location relation and domain of incident. Place is where accident occurs and spirit, Ki, takes place. This kind of characteristic of place allows access of all object and includes heterogeneous elements and forms a variety of relatum. Within the place, this relatum continuously experience creation and destruction through variation of relationship and escape process of meaning. In other words, place is the net of relation where all sides are intertwined and that relationship is not fixated but constantly changing domain. Place is not divided by human, material or space, etc, but is unified as the one, which is acceptor of relative relation and existence of true nature. In this context, place accumulates and changes based on perception and experience of human being. Place takes place in the correlation of nature, human and object and its liveliness is recognized by variation process of meaning system. However, rapid development of modern technology and civilization, based on mechanistic view, led to industrialized society and information-oriented society, resulting in standardization and uniformity of place. In addition, as machine has more control and programmed system is prevalent, place, which is the domain of human activity as autonomous existence, is losing ground. Furthermore, placelessness that brings about the loss of relation is more common, at the same time, vitalistic placeness is disappearing. System of life maintains dynamic equilibrium through nature's metabolism and self-organization process and individual's symbiotic relation and complementary relation. Nature is the chapter of vitalism and the place of origin where all substances create. Thus, nature may be referred as the vitalistic place of original form. Nature, place of vitalism, is the place of infinite creation. Nature, as creation, brings immense relation structure and system. Nature endlessly provides resource to living organism and, in that very place organism creates, matures, disappears and returns to nature. Climate refers to the totality of nature and internally suggests the need of residing in and returning to nature regardlessness of human, plant and animal. Vernacular design, based on climate of nature, has strong correlation with vitalistic placeness. Vernacular design refers to the process of forming culture with climate and regionality. This is not under the category of exclusive and individual design but under the type of design which is unique and naturally incurred product by group and region. Vernacular design is a design activity in terms of correlation perspective with nature as it creates living place in climatic environment. In other words, vernacular design may be referred as design with biological factor and social continuity. Vernacular design enables vitalistic place as it allows flexible balance between natural environment and artificial environment. Characteristics of vernacular design are as follows; Design of proactive adjustment, design of ecological effect and using vernacular material, design of evolutionary completion and design of forming community in reciprocal and equal relation. Vernacular design, with characteristic of adjusting to the law of nature, has strong correlation with vitalistic placeness. Researcher of this study examines meaning of placeness, as existing value of human, and derives vitalism and characteristic of place from consideration of life system and vitalistic cause. The interpretation of correlation related to the concept of vitalistic placeness and vernacular design, suggested in this study, is to discover future value of vernacular design that recovers relation between human and nature and to overcome danger of loosing placeness in technological civilization. The significance of this study is that it provides new perspective on vitalism and vernacular design that connects existentialism and vitalistic reason with the aim of recovering lost placessness in modern society. However, verification, through a fragmented theoretical approach and case, had limitation to clarify complex correlation between vitalistic placeness and vernacular design. From this time forward, various researches on vernacular design and spatial design that can be actually adopted and utilized in modern society need to continue in order to recover the placeness. This study expects to be the cornerstone of follow-up research on vitalistic placeness and vernacular design and, furthermore, be the clue of recovering future value of vernacular design and vitalistic placeness.
