현대패션에 반영된 기능주의의 확장성에 관한 연구 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

Function means the elements essential accompanying the objects created by a human being for a certain purpose. While function was not significantly emphasized in the times when products were manually manufactured, it became to be discussed as the impo...

Function means the elements essential accompanying the objects created by a human being for a certain purpose. While function was not significantly emphasized in the times when products were manually manufactured, it became to be discussed as the important theme in design field from early 20th century when mass production replaced manual production. Such phenomenon was also inherited in fashion industry. Functionalism in fashion considered the mechanic function, that is, practical function, as the core value like the interpretation in other design fields. However, the roles of function had been gradually expanded since mid-20th century. In other words, the scope of function had been expanded, including aesthetic function in visual aspect, symbolic function related to symbolic aspect, psychological function considering emotional aspect and social function on the public interest aspect as well as practical function. It’s because identifying meaning by more multidimensional and relative viewpoints rather than identifying objects or phenomenon by one viewpoint after establishing a certain definite standard became a trend in modern society according to the influence by post-modernism. For identifying fashion in more realistic aspects and coping with new attempts and trendy movement as those attempts and trendy movements were more active in fashion than any other design fields, it is required to interpret the functionalistic fashion which has been conventionally continued from the fast with new viewpoints. Accordingly, this examined the features and expandability of functionalism reflected in fashion by adding social and aesthetic function to practical, aesthetic and symbolic function proposed by Thomas Hauffe in Germany. Practical function means the roles required to accomplish the purposes of objects in material aspects. Aesthetic function is related to the effects of fashion in visual aspects and how to express the physical and emotional image of a subject against the self or others. Symbolic function means that fashion of a subject as the role of fashion as the symbolic presentation expresses identity or status of the subject. Psychological function is especially related to the features of modern popular culture society while a variety of motives can be considered as being related to the motives of subjects selecting fashion in a specific style for expressing the self-image. Social function means ethical responsibility to be executed by fashion itself for solving social problems related to fashion as a part of society. Phenomenologists around Merleau-Ponty started to newly deliberate the root of a body in the commencement of the 20th century. They overturned Descartes’ way of thinking insisting the separation of a body and awareness, but pointed out the correspondence of a body and awareness through the thinking that external objects could be accepted through a body more than any other things. Then, fashion was started to be recognized as the medium playing several functions related to awareness as a part of a body. In other words, awareness mixed with a body in a world has impact on the relationship between a self and others as the subject and finally, we entered into the times when a body became the core part. Accordingly, functionalism reflected on fashion related to a body also applied the psychological concept and had more extensive meaning than in early 20th century. Then, the expandability of functionalism reflected on modern fashion around a body can be summarized as follows. First, the change of spatial concept is related to the space as the sum of material and non-material structure. The concept of fashion has been expanded as the extension of a body and clothing has been used as the space of a body on the basis of the hybrid thinking. Moreover, the purposes of objects are transformed and applied to fashion. Accordingly, the spatial concept of fashion is expanded and realizes practical, aesthetic and social function. The integration of individual elements is correlated to the expansion of multi-functional fashion and diversification of style as each element integrates and are combined each other. Furthermore, the boundary between fashion fields is dissolved and practical, aesthetic, symbolic and social functions are executed in the integrative way. The expansion of multiple meaning is related to interpretation varying on the special features of space and time by specifying the objects in various viewpoints. Modern fashion has diverse meanings depending on the correlation with its surrounding and pursues aesthetic, symbolic, psychological and social function. The pursuit of psychological value is related to psychological behaviors of a body and means pursuing the non-material value as well as material value. AT this point, psychological value performs practical, aesthetic and social functions. As the correlation between a subject and others with a body as a medium is emphasized in modern capitalism society, the trend was emerged to interpret objects with more relative concept. Accordingly, the features and expandability of functionalism reflected on the fashion in the 21st century were analyzed by comparing the awareness on the function depending on the difference in thinking on a body in capitalism society where a body is consumed with the functionalism in the fashion in the 20th century. The analysis on expandability of functionalism will be the opportunity to identify the purposes and roles of fashion and look back on the value of fashion through identification. Beyond the absolute and simplified analysis on functionalism reflected on fashion in the past, this proposed the expandability of functionalism through the analysis with multi-dimensional viewpoints. The analysis results will promote more diversified analysis and research on fashion and functionalism in the future.
