광복 이후 한국 학교 검도의 엘리트스포츠 과정에 관한 연구 : 중·고등학교를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study attempted to examine the elite sports process of Kumdo in Korean middle and high schools. after Liberation of Korea From the Japanese Occupation. For the study, relevant publications and literature were collected from the National Assembly ...

This study attempted to examine the elite sports process of Kumdo in Korean middle and high schools. after Liberation of Korea From the Japanese Occupation. For the study, relevant publications and literature were collected from the National Assembly Library, university libraries and the training center of Korea Kumdo Association. The results of this study were as follows: After liberation of Korea from the Japanese occupation Kumdo was considered a trace of the Japanese occupation and, discouraged. However, foundation of Korea Kumdo Association led the sport to be registered in Korean Olympic Committee. Later Korea Student Kumdo Association and Middle and High School Kumdo Federation were established, opening up a new phase for the sport. foundation of these associations and registration in Korean Olympic Committee played a vital role in making school Kumdo an elite sports. Korea Kumdo Association was founded in 1953 and, after the liberation, marked the starting point of development of Kumdo in Korea and played a central role in development of school Kumdo. Later, by registering in Korean Olympic Committee, Kumdo was able to become an elite sports within the institutional system and selected as an official sport for National Athletic Competition and National Junior Athletic Competition. In 1964, Korea Kumdo Association established Korea Student Kumdo Association, recognizing the importance of school Kumdo, in order to improve its professionalism. Later, KSKA set up Kumdo teams in middle and high schools in different regions of Korea, and tried to make Kumdo an official subject of physical education at school. Also by organizing the national student Kumdo competition for the first time in Korea, it provided an opportunity to expand the scope of student Kumdo and students’ participation. Korea Middle and High School Kumdo Federation which was founded in 1970, was more systematic and efficient as an organization, than KSKA, and fostered professional student Kumdo athletes through various projects and national competitions. Currently, 941 middle and high school Kumdo athletes and 143 middle and high school Kumdo teams are registered in Korean Olympic Committee. The data of the athlete registration system of Korean Olympic Committee, related to registration of Korean middle and high school Kumdo athletes and teams between 2005 and 2015 shows that the number of athletes and teams decreased since 2008. The causes of such decrease include: first avoidance of unpopular sports; second lack of career related to Kumdo; and third decrease of school-age population. The oldest and largest Kumdo competitions for middle and high school students in South Korea include National Athletic Competition, National Junior Athletic Competition, 8·15 National Student Kumdo Competition Held by Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Spring Competition for Middle and High School Kumdo, and Autumn Competition for Middle and High School Kumdo. The record of these competitions show that, until the 1980s, certain teams dominated the competitions. However, winners were more evenly distributed since the 1980s when Korea Kumdo Association began to foster Kumdo instructors more systematically, increasing the number of schools that have a Kumdo team. The results of this study suggest development of Kumdo in Korean middle and high schools since the liberation of Korea was mainly attributable to foundation of Korea Kumdo Association, registration in Korean Olympic Committee and foundation of Korea Student Kumdo Association and Korea Middle and High School Kumdo Federation. Especially school Kumdo became an elite sports after being registered in Korean Olympic Committee, and has been playing a pivotal role in development of Kumdo in elementary schools, universities and general adult population.
