내러티브 접근을 활용한 다문화 수용성 함양 교수학습 프로그램 개발 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This study is carried out by focusing on the increasing necessity of multicultural capacity and qualities of elementary school students, who are the main components of future society with intensified multiculture. Therefore, in this study, we tried to...

This study is carried out by focusing on the increasing necessity of multicultural capacity and qualities of elementary school students, who are the main components of future society with intensified multiculture. Therefore, in this study, we tried to develop a teaching and learning program that can enhance the multicultural acceptability of elementary school students using the narrative approach. The research questions were set as follows.   First, does the narrative approach have efficiency as a training method for cultivating multicultural acceptability ?   Second, how should the multicultural acceptability teaching and learning program be designed using the narrative approach applied to elementary school students? Third, how does the multicultural acceptability teaching & learning program using the narrative approach affect elementary school students' acceptance of a multicultural society? First of all, various literature about multicultural acceptability and the narrative approach were examined for basic research, and based on this, a multicultural acceptability - based teaching and learning program using the narrative approach was planned. First, we set the core goal of the program to cultivate an overall multicultural acceptability as a citizen who lives in a multicultural society, and present sub-goals of three aspects such as knowledge․understanding, function, and attitude. In addition, multicultural acceptability is divided into three dimensions: diversity, relationship, and universality. the goals for each lesson are also presented. Next, three literary works containing the narrative of multiculturalism were selected and the contents of guidance were composed for each lesson. Based on the narrative curriculum model of Lauritzen and Jaeger, the lessons were developed in five stages such as invitation to context, inquiry question, inquiry investigation, announcement, summary and internalization, in order to achieve the program goal effectively. In this process, after designing the basic plan of the program, a total of six hour's teaching and learning process plans for practical application were presented. The designed program was applied to 11 students in 6 grade of B elementary school located in Changwon city in Gyeongsangnam-do, in the order of pre-test - application of program - post test. In total, 6 lessons were given at the discretionary activity time for 2 hours once a week during 3 weeks, respectively. For the pre-post test, the test tool of the previous study was utilized. In order to compensate the limitations of pre-post test results, analyses of the results of the student's learning, reviews, and teacher's observation were performed as well as the qualitative analysis in parallel. The results of applying this program are as follows. As a result of the pre-post test, it was found that the multicultural acceptability teaching and learning program using the narrative approach was effective in improving the multicultural acceptability. In terms of diversity, the proportion of students who recognized and accepted diversity as a natural phenomenon increased, and the percentage of students who said that they accepted and recognized people with various qualifications as Koreans increased. Also the degree of prejudice and stereotypes about foreign immigrants has been reduced. In terms of relationship, the proportion of students who have responded negatively to expectations on unilateral assimilation increased, while rejection and avoidance emotions showed a slight increase which means slight improvement. Finally, in the universal dimension, the tendency to double-evaluate foreign immigrants is somewhat lowered. However, global citizenship behavior was the lowest result in the preliminary test, and it's increase was also the lowest. The universality domain is considered to be needed a more specific and continuous education than diversity or relationship. As a result of the qualitative study of the program, it was evaluated that the goal of knowledge understanding, function, attitude level was achieved through the multicultural acceptance teaching and learning program using narrative. Students recognized their prejudices and understood that these prejudices would lead to discrimination among multicultural family students and foreign immigrants. In addition, we could observe that the ability to analyze the phenomenon of multicultural society based on objective data gradually improved as the program progressed through inquiry activities. Since students expressed their feelings of sympathy and anxiety about the problems in the multicultural society during the program, we could say it worked but it was difficult to expect a long-term change in attitudes or inclination through this temporary education of the 6th hour. Thus, it is necessary to make continuous multicultural education using the developed teaching model through this study. This study has provided practical help to apply directly to the elementary school classroom through the development of teaching and learning program that can enhance the multicultural acceptability by using the narrative approach. In addition, it is meaningful that basic data can be provided in composition of contents of teaching and learning programs using narrative and teaching model construction. I hope that further research will be carried out in order to develop students' multicultural acceptability.
