시각적 의사소통능력 증진을 위한 협동학습 방법 연구 : 초등학교 6학년을 중심으로 (2)[韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

As a elementary school teacher, the researcher of this study has experienced that students who suffered from the emotional problems such as alienation or maladjustment in school cannot effectively within the current competitive learning environment. T...

As a elementary school teacher, the researcher of this study has experienced that students who suffered from the emotional problems such as alienation or maladjustment in school cannot effectively within the current competitive learning environment. To solve this problem, the researcher studied how “Cooperative learning method” could enhance students’ visual literacy. In order to practice this learning method, this study justifies ‘Visual literacy’ as an ability to interpret the meaning of image or to express the idea by symbolic image. This study focused on the development of learning methods for improving visual literacy by considering the increase of nonverbal communication and the rise of visual literacy education. The reason why ‘cooperative learning’ is chosen among learning methods is that cooperative learning has a possibility of promoting students’ active learning and providing them opportunities to interact with other students. Visual literacy can be learned in the learning process through the actual experience to participate in the cooperative interaction and communication actions. The research question for cooperative learning method established in this study are as follows : First, how can be cooperative learning program for practicing visual literacy education? Second, what is the value of cooperative learning for visual literacy education in art education? Third, what is the effect of cooperative learning for visual literacy education in the learning experience for students? To figure out the research questions, definition, characteristic, effect of visual literacy and cooperative learning was observed. The cooperative project learning program was established on the basis of project and conversation-centered group appreciation learning theory. Through textbook analysis, the cooperative learning for visual literacy education curriculum was redesigned to include visual culture by considering of the strategy and process of 'Co-op Co-op' model. This research was conducted trough 12 classed in 31 on 6th graders at the elementary school located Suwon. As this learning project processed, students showed increasing in understanding the context and relevance of visual images and life. Also, it enhanced level of visual expression and critical abilities. In addition to, the students themselves chose the topics and the activities carried out through consultations. Last, students' attitude toward cooperative learning and friendship has become more positive. Through cooperative learning, this research found: First, it was a learner-centered education of higher learning motivation and participation. Second, it was possible to participate at communicative action in the process of learning by the actual experience. Third, it was effective in improving critical thinking for viewers and consumers education. Fourth, it was integrated learning method for students' holistic growth. Fifth, it is significant to extend the personal thought through interaction with others and could promote close relationships. However, there is the limitation in that the object and contents only focus on 6th graders, and only learning process based on 'Co-op Co-op' model. There is difficult for some students to carry out activities in appreciation education. Therefore, the cooperative learning for visual literacy education can be made possible if various methods of cooperative learning are used to develop appreciation education and apply variety of subjects throughout the entire grades.
