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누르하치 신화와 주몽신화의 비교 연구 : - ‘영웅의 일대기’ 구조를 중심으로 - [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The legend is the legacy that our ancestors left to us. It includes customs and cultures of each country with national and regional features. At different period, what the legend of each country reflects is also different. The selects two litera...

The legend is the legacy that our ancestors left to us. It includes customs and cultures of each country with national and regional features. At different period, what the legend of each country reflects is also different. The selects two literature as research materials: The legend of the first emperor of Qing dynasty of China and The legend of Jumong of Korea. The cultural difference between these two nations will be studied through the comparison and analysis on these two roles. This includes four part: The first part is the introduction, which gives the research purpose and the methodology. The second part is the introduction of the two literature mentioned above. The events of the first emperor of Qing dynasty are organized in order and this heroic legend is interpreted and analyzed by the author. The second part makes a contrast between The legend of the first emperor of Qing dynasty and The legend of Jumong based on two sides. One is the comparison between “the tough hero” and “ the talented hero”. The other is the analysis on similarties of roles and materials bewteen The legend of the first emperor of Qing dynasty of China and The legend of Jumong of Korea. The four part is the conclusion. It summarizes the whole and discloses connections and interprets meanings of these two legends under two different cultural background. The attachment is the first chapter of the Korean version of The legend of the first emperor of Qing dynasty. It is the family background of this emperor and it is expected to let Korean readers have a basic understanding towards this literature.

神話是祖先留給後人的文化遺產,韩语毕业论文,神話裏包含了各個國家的風土人情、民族性、地域性,而每個國家在不同的時間段裏的神話所體現的內容也有所不同。 本文選取了中國滿族關於努爾哈...

神話是祖先留給後人的文化遺產,神話裏包含了各個國家的風土人情、民族性、地域性,而每個國家在不同的時間段裏的神話所體現的內容也有所不同。 本文選取了中國滿族關於努爾哈赤的書籍《清太祖傳說》和韓國的朱蒙神話,通過對英雄壹生的比較和略论,來深層的研究兩個民族之間文化差異。 本文由四個部分組成。 第壹部分為緒論,介紹了論文的研究目的和研究措施。 第二部分為努爾哈赤神話和朱蒙神話的結構和內容的略论。在對努爾哈赤神話按照英雄的壹生時間順序進行重新著整理之後,韩语论文网站,針對其英雄神話的特征進行了略论和解讀。 第三部分為努爾哈赤神話和朱蒙神話的對比略论部分。這壹部分裏通過兩大方面進行了略论。第壹大方面是通過克服難關型的英雄和天賦型英雄來進行略论。第二方面是通過努爾哈赤神話與韓國神話關於登場人物和素材裏體現的類似性進行略论. 第四部分為本文的結論。綜合介紹了整篇文章的內容並且對兩篇神話之間的聯系和意義進行了闡述。 附錄部分是《清太祖傳說》內容的韓文譯文,選取了第壹章關於努爾哈赤身世篇的故事進行了翻譯,方便韓國讀者對《清太祖傳說》的內容進行大致的了解和整體把握。
