주역의 天道觀과 數術의 문화적 原型 : 數理의 통일적 세계를 중심으로 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

The is focused upon explicating the view of Heavenly Way(天道) and the cultural archetype of Shu-shu(數術) in the Book of Changes. It is based upon an orientation of belief from the perspective of an objective rule of number. The stream of S...

The is focused upon explicating the view of Heavenly Way(天道) and the cultural archetype of Shu-shu(數術) in the Book of Changes. It is based upon an orientation of belief from the perspective of an objective rule of number. The stream of Shu-shu is to reflect the consciousness of human society with the development of astronomical calendar. It is to theorize the subdivisions of the seasons through the increasing and decreasing of yin and yang in the Book of Changes. It established a theoretical basis for a mutual response of the heavenly and the humane, and connected it with the government of virtuous ruler or the destiny of country. It is an issue of belief as the subjective ability of human beings. In the negative respect, human ability and a historical development result in a time of destiny, while, in the positive respect, they result in having an effort to ascertain human lives and its law of rational management. Shu-shu is closely associated with the view of Heavenly Way from the historical context of human development with the art of number. Particularly, the Heavenly Way, as the order of revolving the heavenly body, is extended to the relationships of myriad things and their law of network in Nature. The view of Heavenly Way has the purpose of operating a system of human society according to the scheme of heavenly body. The cultural archetype of Shu-shu(數術) results from a theoretical system through the number of Heaven and Earth(天地之數) 55 and its deductive mode, i.e. the number of Da-yan(大衍之數) 50. Based upon the correlative thinking way of Yin and Yang(陰陽), it is a series of process of universe, that is, Supreme Ultimate(太極), Yin-yang(陰陽), Si-xiang(四象), Ba-gua(八卦), etc., by the number of Heaven and Earth(天地之數) 55, the number of Dayan(大衍之數) 50 and their arithmetic principle. It is said to make an integral unity of universe according to the deductive mode of number, and to realize a type of changes in the figural construction of world. This opened a philosophical horizon that number is fundamental. In particular, it attaches importance to introducing the arithmetic way of number into the recognition of the world. It means that our experience and knowledge can be gotten through a form of number. It has a transcendental point of view in the recognition of the world. It is understandable that number is not only a premise of prescribing the existence of myriad things but also a measure of the ultimate rule for human life. Furthermore, the view of Heavenly Way is elevated to the rule of human beings and the canon of human community to promise the general principle of morality. It is established on a cultural basis for a mutual response of the heavenly and the humane, and, furthermore, is connected with the government of virtuous ruler or the destiny of country. The government of virtuous ruler started from an issue of belief as the subjective ability of human beings. It is realized in the sagehood-spirit(聖人精神) in the Book of Changes to make the turn of a paradigm of Heavenly Way. What is called sagehood-spirit is referred to as the wisdom of life for a humanistic world. The sagehood is a picture of guiding, leading and enlightening human beings, their relationships and communities. Therefore, the sagehood-spirit has the axiological content of human consciousness to establish a world of humanism and give a new value to it. It is consequent that the wisdom of sagehood-spirit is applied to human lives and their communities and realized into humanistic value of humane way. And there is a comprehensive horizon in the Book of Change: a process of understanding the world, including human beings, and that of creating the world. They also are respectively characteristic of a reality of world and a world of reality. It provides a landmark of self-creative life in the sense of developing human beings in a process of newly translating the world. Human beings has a passage of searching for an ultimate aim of self-realization through rational method. The relationship is characterized by a methodization of objectiveness and an objectification of method. It seems to me that they are an indicative for a mechanism of creatively communicating between subject and object or self and the world, which are unified into an ideal of the Confucian self-realization. An archetype of culture and its ethos have a continuity in a spirit of age. It result in having an effort to ascertain an orientation of humanism in human lives. Thus, it is consequent that a turn from Wu-shu(巫術) to Shu-shu(數術) and its age-spirit provides a basis for an archetype of culture and its ethos. And it is possible to say that the sagehood-spirit(聖人精神) comes true in a philosophical horizon of self-realization, namely, a valuation of community and a communization of value. Kongju National University
