일과 생활의 조화, 축제태도, 축제참여수준, 행동의도, 생활만족의 구조적 영향관계 [韩语论文]

资料分类免费韩语论文 责任编辑:金一助教更新时间:2017-04-28

This research was conducted to present an implication by analyzing three factors; Firstly, the influence of Work-Life Balance on Festival Attitude. Secondly, the influence of Festival Attitude on Festival Participation. Thirdly, the influence of Festi...

This research was conducted to present an implication by analyzing three factors; Firstly, the influence of Work-Life Balance on Festival Attitude. Secondly, the influence of Festival Attitude on Festival Participation. Thirdly, the influence of Festival Participation on Behavior intention and the Life Satisfaction. To judge the fitness of the research model, a maximum-likelihood classification was used to calculate the goodness of fit index(GFI) and parameter value. Consequently, the structure model of sChi-square=800.585, df=746, p=0.081 Q=1.073, GFI=0.890, AGFI=0.861, NFI=0.889, RFI=0.866, IFI=0.992, TLI=0.990, CFI=0.991, RMR=0.059, RMSEA=0.016 was elicited. This result signifies the generally acceptable fitness level, thus used as a model to test hypothesis. To test the hypothesis of the research, an analysis of structure was conducted to identify the path-coefficient and C.R. value. Consequently, the hypothesis 1-1(Work-Life Balance -> Festival Attitude) was adopted, the Work-Life Balance was proved to have an influence on behavioral attitude and emotional attitude, in order. Hypothesis 1-2(Economical Balance -> Festival Attitude) was adopted, and was proved that Economical Balance has an influence on behavioral attitude and emotional attitude, in order. Hypothesis 1-3(Time Balance -> Festival Attitude) was adopted, either, and was proved that Time Balance has a strongest influence on behavior attitude, followed by emotional attitude and cognitive attitude. Hypothesis 1-4(Relation Balance -> Festival Attitude) was dismissed. Hypothesis 1-5(Psychological Balance -> Festival Attitude) was adopted, and was proved that Psychological Balance has an strongest influence on behavioral attitude, followed by emotional attitude and cognitive attitude. Consequently, the hypothesis 1 was partially adopted. Hypothesis 2; the influence of Festival Attitude on Festival Participation, was analyzed to have 0.971 of path-coefficient and – 5.572 of C.R. value(p<0.01), and adopted. In addition, the Festival Attitude was analyzed to have a stronger influence on Quantitative Participation than Qualitative Participation. Hypothesis 3; the influence of Festival Participation on Behavior intention was analyzed to have 0.565 of path-coefficient and 4.614 of C.R. value(p<0.01), and adopted. In addition, it was proved that Festival Participation has the strongest influence on participation intention, followed by talking and recommendation intention, and revisitation intention. Hypothesis 4; the influence of Festival Participation on Life Satisfaction was analyzed to have 0.855 of path-coefficient and 4.826 of C.R. value(p<0.01), and adopted. The result presents theoretical implications as follows. First, Work-Life Balance was logically proved to be a critical variable, which influences on Festival Attitude. Thus when discussing Festival Attitude, consideration of Work-Life Balance would be required. Second, logical understanding of the organic relation of Work-Life Balance, Festival Attitude and Festival Participation would be required. Namely, for the overall understanding of Festival Participation, the understanding of detailed function of each variable and logical mechanism would be required, through the integrated approach including reason variable and parameter. Third, the test result presents that a connotative meaning of each component of Work-Life Balance should be understanded individually. A sufficient income level that could cover the tuition fee and enjoy the cultural life, a service system with no or minimized overtime and weekend work, and inner peace free from work stress or psychological burden are the key factors of the positive Festival Attitude. Fourth, for the overall understanding of Festival Attitude, the analysis and improvement more focused on behavioral attitude rather than emotional feeling or valuation would be helpful. Fifth, Festival Attitude was proved to be a key factor of Festival Participation. In particular, understanding that Quantitative Participation is related to festival participation decision as well as participation degree, whereas Qualitative Participation is related to activity degree after festival attendance would be acquired. Sixth, test result presents that talking and recommendation intention, participation intention and revisitation intention could be varied according to Quantitative or Qualitative Participation. Consequently, quality of festival raises Qualitative Participation, thus plays a key factor on determining revisitation intention as well as being the source of talking and recommendation intention. Moreover, it presents that the person who frequently attends the festival, namely person with high Quantitative Participation, is likely to participate in another festival as well. Seventh, the test result presents that Festival Participation would be a useful measures to improve overall Life Satisfaction. In particular, Qualitative Participation is more useful to improve Life Satisfaction than Qualitative Participation. Therefore, improving Life Satisfaction would be needed, through participating various festival in weekend or holiday. Meanwhile, test result of hypothesis presents practical implications as follows; First, the government and the local government should pay continuous attention on policy development or factual survey about Work-Life Balance. Moreover, should reform a policy that intensifies the imbalance, and should not neglect the environment development that all people could live like a decent human being. Second, the preparation of marketing strategies would be needed, through the comprehensive and systematic analysis about Festival Attitude. Moreover, understanding the fact that all of the Festival Attitude components have a similar amount of influence on Quantitative Participation while the Qualitative Participation is relatively more influenced by behavioral participation would be acquired, and should enhance the field-based attraction means that triggers the action of festival participants. Third, success or failure of festival in the long-term is strongly influenced by talking and recommendation intention, thus focusing on enhancing Qualitative Participation through the characterization of festival and quality increase would be required. Fourth, the person who participates frequently is likely to attend another festival as well. Thus marketing or corporate marketing targeted at people participating popular festival would be acquired, to enhance the self-reliance of the festival. Fifth, revisitation intention is more influenced by Qualitative Participation rather than Quantitative Participation. Thus the festival host should develop an unique program or strategy to enhance the Qualitative Participation of festival participants.
